Student comments
November 19, 2008
A: Peekaboom
Paper A
The main contribution of the paper is in
presenting the system of Peekaboom, a game in which one person reveals parts of
an image to another that relates to a given word while another tries to guess
the word. The game is useful in that the revealing process shows how the word
relates to the image, e.g. where a leg of a cow is in the image. I found the
incentive structure to be well-designed to promote participation, e.g. by
alternating roles of the players, using a bonus round, and the use of pings.
Some comments:
- For some words that are general nouns
describing an object, it would seem that you want the players to mark the whole
cow, but instead players will get more points just by marking the face under
which the other player will know that it is a cow without a bounding box for
the cow generated.
- One interesting thing is that cheating is in
many senses no longer fun. Purely malignant attempts aside, it seems that no
cheater will stay in the system of a long time.
- It seems strange that a hint is giving
positive points for --- perhaps it should be part of the interface directly that
allows people to more easily access (vs. give hints if necessary), kind of like
how in charades people
always try to signal how many words there is.
- Is there a tradeoff between the usefulness of
the outcome to the fun factor of the game? It seems that getting users to play
is the most important factor for success. For example, one
can think about having a training tutorial in
which players start with simpler images to work them up so that they aren't
immediately discouraged by their lack of initial success. The loss here is that
during training the player isn't contributing
too much to the system.
- Which games do people play more often? Why?
Paper B
The main contribution of the paper is the
analysis and formalizing of
construction of CAPTCHAs based on hard AI problems, whereas humans can
easily generate the correct output but machines cannot (and if they could, a
hard AI problem would be solved, which is good as well). CAPTCHAs are useful
for a variety of domains in which one wishes to verify that a human agent is
interacting with a system instead of a bot. One of the key assumptions of
CAPTCHA is that the problem instances with solutions are easy to generate
themselves, which enables on the spot generation of problems instead of a
dictionary of problems which had the adversary had the problem becomes trivial
(which is to say that an adversary is assumed to know the algorithm underlying
the CAPTCHA but not the randomness it generates).
While CAPTCHAs are quite useful, it is not clear
to me just how large the class of problems that are very hard for computers but
very easy for humans are. In the image recognition case, wouldn't machine learning
algorithms catch up by taking sample instances generated by human outputs to
generalize patterns of recognition? Does this success suggest solving a hard AI
problem? I guess I didn't quite understand the connection fully here.
A point about serialization: one interesting
tweak applicable to CAPTCHA is that there are situations where humans can come
up with a close to correct solution (e.g. one letter off in recognizing a word
in CAPTCHA) whereas it is difficult for a computer to recognize it with a small
error. In these cases, we can tune the ACCEPT conditions of the CAPTCHA such
that it takes humans less time but doesn't help computers. One possibilities is
increasing the number of letters in a CAPTCHA but allowing for some mistakes,
which humans may be able to do very well whereas it is harder for a computer to
have to deal with more letters.
Paper A
This paper introduces Peekaboom, a web based
game that is also an effective means of gaining training data for computer
vision algorithms. After reading ÒDesigning Games with a PurposeÓ which claimed
that challenge is a big way to ensure that users will continue to play a GWAP,
I question the effectiveness of giving additional points for using hints in
Peekaboom. Not only is this counterintuitive, but I do not quite understand how
this gives additional information about the relationship between the word and
the image. Similar to my critique of other GWAPs with automated players, I am
unconvinced that emulating Peek with an automated player will yield good,
unbiased training data. I also would have liked to see the usage statistics
compared to a similar game. After all, each user played about 18 games of
Peekaboom in the span of a month. Is this a large number? Even when the paper
stated that every player in the top scores list played 800 games I was
skeptical because the size of the top score list was not given.
The anti-cheating mechanisms to ensure the
purity of data are very well thought out for Peekaboom. I worried that only
words in the dictionary would be considered valid responses in the game.
However, seeing that the interface notifies the players of misspelled words is
reassuring. I do wonder if there are enough images for which slang words or
abbreviations could be tags. These could not be captured effectively by
Peekaboom. But, this may be an insignificant subset of the images which we
desire to test. One thing that was not addressed is how varying the pixel
radius could affect the responses of Peekaboom players. This would be an
interesting extension of this preliminary work.
Paper B
This paper presents the theoretical framework
behind CAPTCHA. In this paper, hard AI problems are distinguished as those that
humans can solve, but current computers cannot. The most interesting concept in
this paper was gap amplification. Being able to use any AI problem in which
there is a gap between computer and human ability as a security parameter gives
seemingly infinite flexibility. Coupled with this flexibility, as long as there
are hard AI problems, there will be application security. Although there is no
foresight needed as in Cryptography if the AI community is correct in believing
that all hard AI problems will eventually be solved, does Cryptography provide
the best long term security techniques or is there a similar belief held in
that field? Yet, the paper does not impose a time limit on how long the human
must solve the problem. The paper also discusses the MATCHA family and states
that it is a slightly impractical CAPTCHA. The reason why is not apparent to
me. A computer program can be guaranteed to have success in this problem type
with probability ½, but this paper states that this is normally
unacceptable and this probability could be lowered over repeated games. Would
repeated games be too computationally difficult?
In the first paper, von Ahn contributes yet
another GWAP - Peekaboom - that gathers user-generated information about
objects' spatial location in images to assist computer vision algorithms. It is
a second-generation ESP game, which only tagged images with metadata that
pertained to it in an arbitrary way; Peekaboom awards points both for providing
semantic hints and for guessing a label with limited visible region. This game
sounds incredibly fun to play (I wish it were still online - is it?), and by
its nature I think it provides more useful information and seems more resistant
to obvious cheating strategies. I thing introducing more flexibility and user
decisions into gameplay (whether to ping or reveal, whether to give a hint) can
increase enjoyability and information usefulness, though I wonder when
complexity might frustrate users.
In the second paper, the concept of a CAPTCHA is
presented as a method of distinguishing humans from computers with hard AI
problems and is evaluated formally in terms of its ability to be solved by
humans and computers. Two families of AI problems are identified that can be
used to construct CAPTCHAs, and their solutions are shown to solve
steganographic communication problems. Some of the formal proofs were tricky
for me to understand, mostly because I had trouble seeing the motivation behind
different notations and the like. Personally, I sometimes have great difficulty
reading CAPTCHAs, and I'm pretty sure I'm a human. I'd be interested in knowing
what progress has been made in this area since the paper came out.
Paper A
I was impressed by Peekaboom and think it
provides a much more robust set of data for computer vision algorithms.
Interestingly, the initial set of data from the ESP game was the basis for the
new game, and I wonder if the same approach can be extended to other GWAPs –
such as verbosity. In playing the game, people often think of the easiest clues
rather than filling in the actual clues. Sometimes the clues a player gives may
fit in one of the categories, but in the interest of speed they may simply plug
it into the top slot, ignoring the relation between the word and the clue. So,
using the data from verbosity, it may be possible to create a new game where
the players are asked to describe the relation between a word and clue data,
and are rewarded for matching (as in the ESPP game). For instance, if I was
describing "rice" in Verbosity, I may type "grain", then
"food", then "lice" all in the "it is" field. A
more accurate description of rice however would be "it is a type of
grain", "it is a type of food", and "it rhymes with
lice". Creating a second game where users take clues and try to match
relations could help improve the usefulness of Verbosity's dataset.
Paper B
This paper introduces two families of AI
problems that can be used to construct CAPTCHAs. I kind of got bogged down in
the definitions of P1 and P2 and would like to go over concrete examples of
each in class. I thought the remark the authors make about Gap Amplification is
interesting. Even if we have a computer that is 80% successful at solving some
CAPTCHA, presenting the CAPTCHA n times will reduce the probability of passing
all of them significantly. This is an important design consideration in
designing systems secured by CAPTCHAs – rather than make the CAPTCHA
harder for both human and machine, it might make more sense to present a series
of CAPTCHAs (though too many will result in frustration for the user).
Paper A
This paper gives a thorough introduction of
it talks about how it works, the data collected,
the associated
applications and its evaluation. However, it
seems that reading
this paper is the only measure to understand
Peekaboom now,
since this game has been removed from
According to this paper, Peekaboom has a good
design that
attracts continuous participation; they are
provided with well-
rounded anti-cheating mechanisms, and they have
desirable data values. Everything looks fine.
Nonetheless, I
have some thoughts about this game. First, the
author claims
that one of the information Peekaboom collects
is how words
relate to the image. The word might be a noun,
or a verb or
others. Things might be straightforward when the
word is a
noun. But how well does this program perform
when it gives
a verb? Is the peek-and-boom mechanism proper to
the picture
related to a certain movement? How well can
people tell the
corresponding movement when given a static
image, especially
when the image is related to some trivial
movement like standing
or sitting? Not to speak the increasing
difficulties when players
are only given partial pixels of it. However,
perhaps this problem
is not important to the designers, since the
purpose of the game
is to "locate objects in images." If
so, there shouldn't be any verb
in Peekaboom. Another question is how to
integrate it with image
search engines such as Google? Is it practical?
Or, there already
exists such collaboration?
Paper B
This paper shows that CAPTCHAS can be applied in
and posses advantages superior to traditional
methods. The author
has proved that it is hard for a computer to
solve CAPTCHA in
general cases. I agree this point of view.
Still, I have one question.
In the first paper, it talks about training
computer vision algorithms.
I am wondering if it is possible to train
computers to solve CAPTCHA
problems using similar method. That it, if it is
possible for an
eavesdropper to acquire a sufficient amount of
data (CAPTCHAs
and the corresponding inputs) and develop a
corresponding AI
algorithm to solve such problems?
Paper A
I enjoyed reading the paper on Peekaboom a lot
because this paper goes into much detail in describing the design of Peekaboom
and justifying that how the game design ensures accuracy of outputs to some
extent. It also described many
data processing methods in order to filter out data that might have been
polluted by players who are trying to game the system. Peekaboom, as a game, definitely has a
much more richer design than the other games that we have seen on the
website, and therefore it allows us to collect much more data that could
potentially be useful for different purposes.
I think at this stage for these games, it would
be interesting to take similar designs in each game and compare with each
other. So far, all these games
have just been trying certain designs at random, and there is no systematic way
of approaching the design problem.
So an interesting project would be think about a few similar design
options for a particular purpose, and then try to compare their relative
effectiveness by using both theoretical and empirical analyses. This will help us to build a more
systematic framework for the design issues for these types of games. So the main idea is that: it's not good
enough to say that your design is good, what you should really try to do is to
make claims such as "my design is better than all these other designs
because of (1), (2), (3), ...".
Paper B
The first thing that kind of surprised me is
that CAPTCHA does not only refer to those distorted text. It actually refers to a much more
general concept. The paper refers
to it as a program which can generate and grade tests which are easy for humans
to do, but currently impossible for computer programs to solve. The second thing that interests me is
that the issues discussed in this paper draw from both cryptography and
artificial intelligence, which is a connection that we don't see very
often. The theories presented in
this paper also surprised me a bit since I didn't expect that it is necessary
to describe a intuitive concept with so many theoretical notations. One possible future work that interests
me is to identify possible approaches for computer programs to solve hard AI
problems like CAPTCHA. Of course,
this is going to be a hard problem for a while, but it would be interesting to
at least come up with a couple of ideas for approaching the problem first.
Paper A
It was cool to see this game, since it's not
available on I
thought it was a good point that GWAP are not
actually a way to solve
problems by harnessing collective human
computing power (although they mention it briefly in applications and might,
say, be what Google
Image Labeler is actually doing occasionally,
perhaps on images it has
preclassified as hard to discern) but rather a
good way to solve the
problem of making databases of good training
examples, a nice thought. It was amazing to see just how much data was
I was also curious about how some of the image
area problems were
handled (and still am a little bit with Squigl),
so this paper was
pretty useful in that regard. It's nice to a see
a simple approach
On a complete tangent, regarding writing, this
is perhaps one of the
first times I've seen an "Ethical
Considerations" section in a
computer science paper. How common is this for
experimental papers in CS?
Paper B
I had read about CAPTCHAs before and possibly
the authors' softer
paper on the topic, and I've done some playing
around with breaking
them, actually, using pattern recognition (I was
momentarily inspired
out of necessity and
back a few years ago). I really like this formalism for hardness (although the
paper is maybe a little too in love with notation), and the idea for
steganography is very cool.
My one issue with this paper is more in the
writing -- that the
analogy with cryptography and number theory only
goes so far: while we don't know how hard factoring is, the question is
answerable. One day, with sufficient mathematics,
one can imagine some provably optimal determinstic classical factoring
algorithm. While
difficulty in implementation (i.e. the size of
the keys to choose) may
be tied to asymptotics, there is a concrete
value for its asymptotic
difficulty. Here, the theory is predicated
precisely upon estimates
(human estimates) in all cases, as there is no
notion of intellectual
complexity as there is computational complexity.
So it's not quite as
grounded in mathematical formalism as one would
truly hope to say deep things.
Really, this is a way to produce (and prove)
useful estimates for
hardness for one AI problem from estimates of
hardness for another AI
problem, regardless of how they were obtained,
which is fine, although
it's not necessarily billed that way. Anyway, a
fun paper.
Paper A
In this paper the authors decribe Peekaboom, an
AI training game in which users help to identify objects in a picture. In this game, one player, called
"Boom" has a full picture and the associated word. By clicking on parts
of the pictures (that are relevant to the word), the first player reveals
portions of the picture to the second player "Peek" who then guesses
the word that Boom. Peekaboom also has a function called pinging, which allows
the first player to hone in on a part of the object in the image, as is the
case with the example of the elephant picture with trunk as the word. The
authors have very reasonable ideas about manipulation and cheating in the game.
By awarding additional points for players using hints, Peeaboom garners higher
order information about the object. In our previous class discussion, we talked
about rare words and ways of encouraging more sophisticated participation by
players. In the case of ESP, it may be worthwhile to follow peakaboom's example
and enable players to match on more than one word as a means of eliciting
higher order information. With respect to cheating, the authors note that there
is little incentive to cheat and besides have implemented strategies to
counteract cheating. This notion of discounting cheating and rewarding hints
leads me to think about studying postive manipulations in a game --
manipulations that lead to desirable out come, i.e. outcomes that are consitent
with the objective sf the game -- i.e. not all manupulation is bad. A case from
a previous work that we read was online voting -- if the objective is to drive
traffic to a website, then an easily manipuable site is good because it makes
it easier and more alluring for voters heavily invested in the outcome of the
vote to visit the site many times, which is the goal -- driving traffic to the
website. The elimination of poor image-word pairs is also a neat design
feature! As is the designation of "gangter" for players earking 250k
to 1million points (I had thought to trade mark this word two years ago, gangster
= good). The comment from a user is also illuminating, it turns out that
peakaboom and similiar styled games provide the same rush as gambling, without
the risk of losing one's earthly possession, so there is even a postive social
cost. Perhaps peakaboom can have a sweepstakes where it gives away $1million to
a luck player, that way the game will really be like gambling with out the risk
(huge rewards no risk -- great incentive structure for getting more people to
play games and idetify pictures). It would be interesting to see how one would
model this game. The model that Shaili presents in her paper would be
well-suited to modelling peaak-a-boom, there will still be a notion of a
dictionary for the overall image but in addition to this there may have to be
sub-dictionaries that corerspond to pixilated portions of the photograph. One
potential challenge would be the fact that mice have very high pointing
precision so there is a very large number of ways to selection 20 pixel
portions of the image so one would have to think of a way to intrroduce a more
corse wasy of pixelating the photograph so that by shifting a few mm to the
left or right corresponds to selecting the same region of 20 pixels, ie.e there
are a finite and reasonable amount of 20 pioxel slots to slect with mouse
(payble we can divide the picture into a puzzle or a moasiac)!
Paper B
In this paper the authors discuss CAPTCHAs,
distorted text that must be deciphered in order for users to access an online
service e.g. online voting email etc. The idea is that humans are better at
this type of image recognition that machines so it would be hard for one to
manipulate this process by writing a script that votes multiple times for
example. The authors develop a frame work for characterixing CAPTCHAs that help
with our understanding of what it means for a CAPTCHA to be hard to solve.
Other interesting ideas include having multiple captchas, which is a recent
development that I have seen when logging into some online services. Multiple
captchas are effective when computer algorithims may be good but not perfect in
deciphering the distored words. As I was reading this paper, particularly
section 5, I wondered why we don't
just use ESP instead of captcha's. For example, before I log into my email I
must play a game where I match on an image with another player, or with a
computer generated record of the word matching game for a given image. This
approach has two great benefits (i) since the issue of image recognition is a
hard problem for AI, it will be very difficult for someone to write a script
that can crack this, since if they could write such a script then they would
have solved the AI problem that ESP is trying to solve with image recognition.
Secondly, ESP wins by getting another labe on its image and everyone is happy.
The End :).
As a matter of fact, we need Captchas. However,
for many reasons Captcha systems create a serious accessibility barrier. Indeed
they require the user to be able to see and understand shapes that may be very
distorted and difficult to read. A Captcha is therefore difficult or impossible
for people who are blind or partially sighted, or have a cognitive disability
such as dyslexia, to translate into the plain text box.
And of course there can be no plain-text equivalent
for such an image, because that alternative would be readable by machines and
therefore undermine the original purpose. Since users with these disabilities
are unable to perform critical tasks, such as creating accounts or making
purchases, the Captcha system can clearly be seen to fail this group.
Such a system is also crackable. A Captcha can
be understood by suitably sophisticated scanning and character recognition
software, such as that employed by postal systems the world over to recognize
handwritten zip or postal codes (This system us neural networks). Or images can
be aggregated and fed to a human, who can manually process thousands of such
images in a day to create a database of known images -- which can then be
easily identified. Or even worse, as I said in my project proposal, people can
combine Captcha attacks with GWAP. On the one hand, the mal-intentioned people
trained their algorithm thanks to thousand of people playing. On the other
hand, they make it work, to break Captcha. This is a big drawback of GWAP.
Recent high-profile cases of bots cracking the
Captcha system on Windows Live Hotmail and Gmail have emphasized the issue, as
spammers created thousands of bogus accounts and flooded the systems with junk.
Recently,a security firm Websense have reported that the Windows Live Captcha
can be cracked in as little as 60 seconds (!)
Some people did project on Captcha-cracking. The
project PWNtcha ("Pretend We're Not a Turing Computer but a Human
Antagonist"), reports success rates between 49% and 100% at cracking some
of the most popular systems, including 88% for that employed by PayPal which is
very impressive.
Thus, the growth and proliferation of Captcha
systems should be taken less as evidence of their success than as evidence of
the human propensity to be comforted by things that provide a false sense of
security. It it also a game of mice and cats, since both sides are going to
progress, and then the opposite one will catch up, and so on.
Finally, algorithm can use humans to solve the
puzzles. One approach involves relaying the puzzles to a group of human
operators who can solve Captchas. In this scheme, a computer fills out a form
and as soon as it reach a Captcha, it send it to a human being. However, if
human beings are involved, the proccesses are going to be much slower than if
only computers where involved.
As a conclusion, the Captchas seem they will
never be a real barrier .
Paper A
The peekaboom paper presented a GWAP that allow
players to generate data for locating objects inside of images. The main
contribution of the paper was talking about peekaboom's overall design, usage,
and results. This paper I find is interesting because peekaboom's design seems
directly tied in with the ESP game, since the authors mention that it utilizes
labels generated by the ESP game. Further more, the results of peekaboom seem
more valuable to machine learning, since it provide training data for actual
image recognition. The author's again talk about the design choices such as single
player recorded games, anti-cheating methods, and the importance of the
incentive factors. The main insight of the results however shows that the
bounded boxes generated by peekaboom over an object is 75% accurate compared to
a human volunteer of boxing the same object. This is further supported by the
100% accuracy of the pings, to be inside objects. These results validates
peekaboom as capable of generating accurate results which can be used for image
recognition training.
I find that peekaboom is more fun than the other
GWAP's since it appears to be a different game than the others, which are
really just variations on charades, or other traditional games. Peekaboom is
more interactive, and has incentives for players to reveal as little of the object
as possible in order to maximize points. This works better than the ESP game,
since users tend to just use a huge amount of low effort, high frequency words.
Perhaps ESP can be seen as a datamine, and peekaboom, is the filter that
actually grabs out useful data.
The one thing that was unclear, was if the user
reveals only very small parts of an object, and the correct guess was made
without revealing the entire object. Then would this result be useful training
data, since the machine learning algorithm would likely benefit more from
seeing the entire object, ie the entire car, rather than maybe just a tire.
A project idea based on peekaboom would be to
see how it deals with pictures that have two of the key word objects. For
example, if the pictures shows two cars, would the user only reveal one car so
that it maximizes the points?
Paper B
The main contribution of this paper was to
establish the theory behind CAPTCHA's and their use in security and AI. One
idea of the paper is to show that CAPTCHA's are easy to solve for humans and
hard to solve for computers, therefore are useful in fighting off brute force
attacks. The paper goes through the mathematical foundation behind defining
this problem for humans and for computers.
It also presents two families of captchas which
are based on different types of AI problems. Another point mentioned in the
paper is that regarding gap amplification, where the likelihood of a computer
solving a CAPTCHA is high, but this can be reduced by asking it to solve multiple
questions. I found this to be a good deterent for attacks, however it would be
annoying to the normal user.
The paper's results can be used in a wide range
of applications. It will be possible to find any AI problem that falls in the
two families and transform them into CAPTCHA's for security purposes. Music
recognition, image recognition, etc could all work. However what is unclear to
me would be how to generate the data for these captchas in large quantities, it
is understandable that transforming text can be done by a computer. However,
using music recognition, would require a human to tag it in the first place.
Perhaps this is where GWAP's can be used?
If we expect to collecting knowledge from
volunteers, we must create ways to motivate them to contribute high-quality
data. Ahn von Ahn and his group started to build interactive games which serve
the dual purposes of acquiring knowledge and providing entertainment to
motivate users. Notable such efforts include one paper discussing in the lecture
the : Peekaboom, a game designed for segmenting objects in images , and another
similar one ESP Game for annotating images.
Web-based annotation tools like Peekaboom and
Captcha provide a new way of building large annotated databases by relying on the
collaborative effort of a large population of users. The Internet game
Peekaboom is invented to use "bored human intelligence" to label
large image datasets with object, material, and geometry labels. As one of the
players in Peekaboom, we have already contributed millions of labeled objects.
While location information is provided for a large number of images, often only
small distinct regions are labeled and not entire object outlines.
There are a couple of potential weaknesses of
CAPTCHA. For example, if human solvers are paid to classify each photo in a
monkey/elephant database as either a monkey or an elephant, almost the entire
database of photos can be deciphered for a relatively small cost, if the salary
per person is very low. A related potential danger would be minor changes to
images each time may not be able to prevent a computer from recognizing the
images as for one, image comparator functions that are insensitive to many
simple image distortions could be helpful and for another, similar application
as Peekaboom would facilitate recognizing same pixels. Furthermore, we all have
such experience that sometimes an image warped enough to fool a computer is
also troublesome for us.
Another potential problem is that only a yes/no
answer for each picture required by most designs allows guessing right answers
by bots. Furthermore, bots would accumulate knowledge to progressively improve
the accuracy of their guesses over time.
At the end of the second paper, the authors
mentioned that a program has been developed, with an 80% chance of success in
passing the test. I have been thinking what would happen if a punishment on
wrong response is introduced into the verifying process. Most of human's
failures are caused by carelessness (they can choose to let the application
generate a new image if they cannot identify the object); if punishment is
introduced, human beings, aware of they could lose something, will undoubtedly
maintain a high success rate than computer programs. My point is although it is
encouraging to see this in the progress of AI, it could still be a solvable
problem for some specific cryptograph problems.
Paper A
This paper discusses Peekaboom, a type of games
with purpose that train algorithms locate objects in images with the help of
people who play the game for entertainment. This paper address the lack of
enough information to train such algorithms.
Information collected from players in
traditional games about each picture helps algorithms identify objects in
images, however, it does not help algorithms identify location of objects
within the image. Peekaboom collects information about the location of objects
within the image making the vision algorithms more efficient. Peekboom makes it
possible to locate objects within the image by gradually revealing the pictures
while playing.
While the structure of this game might seem
influenced by the players' decisions, accurate information about images are
obtained by combining outcome of several games of different players. This
process produces information that is less susceptible to individual variance.
While it might seem like a good idea to try to
collect as much information as possible about images, i think over describing
an image might not be useful in some cases. If all animal images are broken
down to body parts (tail, eye ... etc), any search of tail would return all
those images. Also, i wonder about the importance of knowing the location of
objects within the image. How would knowing the location of objects within the
picture helps improve search results?
Paper B
CAPTCHA is a program that helps rank tests that
only human can pass and machines cannot with today's capability. This paper
presents a way to show how hard it is for a program to pass a test that is designed
to block any non-human activity. It produces the probability of a pogrom to
succeed in a given test. This paper describes ways in which hard AI problems
that computers fail to solve can be used for security purposes.
Since the premise behind the Peekaboom game is
very similar to the human computation premise discussed on Monday, I will
instead focus on the second paper, which introduces CAPTCHA – a tool that
has grown profusely in importance on the internet since this paper was
written. The core premise is to
create a process that a human can easily solve while it is difficult (if not
impossible) for a computer to solve the problem. By doing this, it ensures that humans are actually using a particular
website, rather than bots.
While this does eliminate some automation in
processes, it does not eliminate it in cases where there is substantial value
for the spammer. The problem with
this methodology is precisely that it is so easy for humans to solve the
problem. Thus, if there is value
attached to the process, it can be cheaply circumvented. A friend of mine has interacted with
someone who runs a Òforum marketingÓ business, where the entire business is to
find message boards and blogs across the internet and post spam advertisements
through the use of an automated script.
What does the script do when he encounters a CAPTCHA? It feeds all of the CAPTCHAs it
interacts with to a center in India where the answers are being provided by
humans before it resumes.
While this slows down the process slightly, itÕs
actually fairly cheap to circumvent.
Imagine that all-inclusive salary + overhead is $10/hour. A typical employee could hand one
CAPTCHA every 10 seconds, or 360/hour.
Thus, the cost per CAPTCHA is less than 3 cents to circumvent. This creates a nuisance that reduces
margins for the spammer, but it does not get rid of him typically.
Of course, any problem that increases this cost
would likely serve as more of a nuisance for the typical, non-spamming user,
creating a trade-off for making an optimal system that prevents most spam while
keeps most users.
Paper B
This is a quite old problem (and this paper is
also quite old) and I think CAPTCHA has developed a lot in recent years. I
interned in a MMORPG company and briefly worked with a team being responsible
for CAPTCHA. I am actually quite convinced that most imaged-based CAPTCHA
(e.g., those used in Yahoo or Google) is attackable if hackers have strong
incentive to attack the system (e.g., if they can earn real money). What still
surprised me is that on average it takes the hackers 2 or 3 days to
successfully attack any new CAPTCHA system we developed. Perhaps whatÕs more
realistic is how the developers can react to the hackers efficiently and design
new CAPTCHA in a timely manner.
More recent ideas in designing new CAPTCHA look
more entertaining (though they are more remote to computer science). One
example is to ask the clients to tell apart the jokes from other daily news.
Another example is to show the clients a few pictures of men and women and ask
the client to identify the pretty/ugly ones.
There also exists many other ways that
successfully attack CAPTCHA without designing domain specific AI program. For
example (which I think is quite famous), one can collaborate with porn site and
redirect the CAPTCHA question to the porn site and ask the visitors to answer
the question before they continue to use the siteÕs service.
Peekaboom seems to be a fun game to play. The
calculation of bounding
boxes is particularly clever. I would be interested
in knowing more about the bot that plays when there are an odd number of
players in the system. How is it designed?
CAPTCHAs are designed to distinguish humans from
computer bots. Yet there seem to be 2 competing streams of research. On the one
hand GWAPs train machines in cognitive tasks that are easy for humans but hard
for machines to execute. On the other hand security CAPTCHAs are designed to differentiate
humans by posing problems that computer programs would not be able to solve.
How long before these 2 streams of research intersect? The paper states that it
is a win-win situation: either we are able to differentiate humans from
computers or computers start to solve hard AI problems. But if the latter event
becomes a reality then how do we implement reliable online systems such as
online voting, reputation, peer production systems? Or maybe we can classify
with high guarantee some set of tasks that computers can never perform. This
might propel us to investigate deeper into what it is that makes human
cognition uniquely identifiable.
Both Wednesday's papers deal with problems that
humans are able to solve but that artificial intelligences have not yet learned
to solve. This relationship is clearer in the use of reCAPTCHA technology, as
is now fairly common. reCAPTCHA, like other forms of CAPTCHA, presents users
with the task of identifying distorted text that computers have had difficulty
understanding. It is unique, though, in that it also harnesses the power of
human computation to solve useful problems. The words presented to users come
from actual texts that have been difficult to interpret using optical character
recognition; by entering the words, users help to digitize and process the
My first idle thought was to combine reCAPTCHA
with something like the game Squigl, in which players try to trace relevant
parts of an image. Though I know very little about optical character
recognition, it seems likely to me that computers would find it even more
useful to know where each letter is, and more specifically which strokes
comprise the letters.
However, imagining such a system in place leads
me to be hardly enthusiastic about this brainstorm. CAPTCHA is a security
feature, and as such, even people who recognize its usefulness find it a pain
to deal with, as anecdotal data (i.e. every time I use CAPTCHA) would suggest.
The fact that a security feature is required implies that the user is trying to
do something else that is important enough to require security. Although in a
different context, tracing the images might be fun, incorporating it into
reCAPTCHA (and requiring a certain level of proficiency) would not be terribly
popular, I surmise, much as even someone who enjoyed playing basketball might
not be so big a fan of a door that required him or her to sink five shots
before unlocking.
In my comments from Monday (11-17), I wondered
whether the "with-a-purpose"-ness of the games provided an incentive
to play. The authors of the Peekaboom paper answer that knowing that playing
the game helps solve some problem in artificial intelligence does indeed add to
players' enjoyment. Again, people don't generally take any enjoyment from
CAPTCHAs, but does their knowledge that reCAPTCHAs are useful and not entirely
meaningless make them dislike them less, if you can navigate through my pronouns?
I thought that both of these papers were
incredibly important. The
peekaboom paper takes ESP to the next level, providing data which could very
feasibly be used to train computer vision algorithms. Whereas ESP gave info that could be very useful for an image
search, Peekaboom uses the ESP results to extract the location knowledge
necessary for the machine learning algorithms. I am surprised I do not already see the results of Peekaboom
(at least overtly) in google image search, or something along those lines; I
was very impressed by the object-bounding "boxes" and by the ping
pointers. I would be very
interested to see whether this data set has already proven useful for machine
learning; have computers been able to beat previous performances due to this
better training data set? How
useful is this data in reality?
How much of an obstacle is the lack of training data for machine vision
algorithms, vs. other obstacles for this problem?
I thought that the Captcha article was quite
revolutionary. It seems to be
introducing the birth of a field -- the applications of hard AI problems to
security. It provides a
theoretical foundation for the grounds on which you can use an AI problem as
the center of a security scheme.
The fruits of this work are already seen all over the internet, as
captchas are a very common way to detect and block out unwanted bot
activity. I am interested in
hearing what other "captcha"-like technologies are currenlty being
used as well (other AI based security schemes...).
One thing I was wondering after reading this was
whether peekaboom could be used to break "captchas". If you fed captcha images (the
distorted words) to peekaboom, and asked players to identify the letters (just
like they would normally identify other image elements), could this eventually
produce enough training data to break captcha?