Comments from CS286r
students – October 22, 2008
Andrew Berry
This paper demonstrates that
only securities whose payoffs can be expressed as
weighted threshold functions are guaranteed to converge to the price that
reflects all information regarding the security's value. Additionally, it
that this convergence will occur in at most n rounds (where n is the
number of
bits of information) and will occur in at least n/2 rounds.
I have two main questions
regarding the paper. The first is in regards to the
assumption that qi = 1 for each agent in each round. The authors state that
forced trade is logical because a previous work showed that
"perfectly rational
and risk-neutral agents will never trade with each other for purely
purposes." While this may be true under theoretical assumptions, it
seems that
empirical evidence deviates from this idea. Therefore, what are the
implications of this assumption in the final results. If this was relaxed
a major difference occur? My other question is about the assumptions
the bits of information. All the work here was done in terms of
variables to make the problem tractable. How much complexity would be added
the model if the bits of information were continuous? Does this make
analysis intractable and would it have a major effect on the results?
Despite my questions and
critiques, I thought this was one of the best papers we
have read so far. The assumptions were well laid out and clearly
Additionally, shortcomings
are acknowledged and the possible extensions of the
work are articulated within the final section. I'd like to see results
this paper's framework in scenarios where the agents do not trade
considering the results from last week's paper).
This paper by J. Feigenbaum,
et al., seeks to explore the prospect of finding complete information among the
traders from the market price. The process is done over a longer period of time
in a step by step manner, and, eventually, it is
expected that the price will reach some equilibrium where it is not desirable
to continue trading until new information is known. The authors do state the
limitation that a equilibrium won't be reached in the
case of payoffs that cannot be expressed as weighted threshold functions. They
go through extensive proofs to support this conclusion. However, one good
result from the paper is in the case where payoffs are threshold functions. In
this scenario, the price of the securities will converge, allowing some
extrapolation of the traders' information. The paper makes assumptions
regarding the mindsets and strategies of the traders. The authors do not take
into account non-myopic strategies where a trader would bluff in the early
rounds to make more profit in the future. I think this is a reasonable
assumption since taking this behavior into account makes any result too
computationally difficult. Although it must be pointed out that when this model
is applied to a real financial market, this assumption might lead to strong
discrepancies between the expected equilibrium results and the actual security
price. There is no way that one can guarantee that a set of all traders have
the same amount of information and act truthfully soley on that information.
One result I found valuable was
that in the first round, no information can be
extrapolated from the bids of the agents. It is stated in the paper that at
least 2 rounds of trading are necessary to reveal information. Therefore, one
would expect that as the number of rounds increased, an observer would make
greater and greater progress towards learning the information known by each
trader. Of course this paper proves everything theoretically. It is possible
that in a real application no equilbrium price and reached, and no information
can be extrapolated. I appreciated the list at the end of the paper which shows all the areas where the analysis falls
short. As a reader, I would prefer that this section be part of every paper
since it others in the same area to target future work directly towards a
single or a set of these issues. This helps by incrementally
adding on to this research area and eventually introduce new and
interesting questions and answers.
Nick Wells
This paper deals specifically
with markets created for the purpose of
information aggregation. The authors develop a model with two agents with a
prior distribution for the state. They trade securities
based on the outcome of the events. The authors show that the market
converge to a true expectation equilibrium given a weighted threshold
is that?).
This paper makes the
assumption that the agents are risk-neutral and myopic. The
proof does not necessarily hold if this is not the case. The authors
admit there
is room for exploration here, but state that this is nevertheless a
starting point.
Given this assumption, the
authors present an interesting proof. I don't
understand the weighted threshold function assumption, and would be learning
what is meant by it.
Ziyad Aljarboua
This paper investigates the
computation involved in achieving a rational
expectations equilibrium where all traders in a market have revealed their
informations and converged to the same information state after observing the
market prices.
For a market with n agents
each with one bit of information. Starting
from the
initial state where all agents are only aware of their bit of
information, all
agents know the payoff function of the agents' bits. at
each round, agents
submit their bids and quantity and market clears at end of each round
and the
clearing price is publicized. Assuming that agents are risk neutral,
myopic and
truthfully, the price evaluation process by agents can be predicted. over the
rounds, knowledge of agents improves until it reaches a points where
agents do
not learn anything more from the price of the market and thus
converge to
equilibrium in at most n rounds. Markets always converge to the rational
expectations equilibrium if security payoff function is a weighted threshold
Questions i have:
is a threashold function?
is a distributed computation?
the rational expectations equilibrim ever reached in reality? Do traders
ever reveal all their informtion?
would the assumptions used in the analysis affect the conclusion?
does the variation in amout if information between agetns factor in this
Alice Gao
The main contribution of this
paper is proposing a systematic way of investigating the information
aggregation process in an information market. In my opinion, creating a complete characterization of
information aggregation processes in information markets would be one of the
ultimate goals of studying prediction markets. This contribution is very important as a preliminary study
of the information aggregation process using the given simplified model. However, as the authors mentioned, a
major limitation of this paper is that it puts too many restrictions on the
information structure of the information market as well as trader
Relating to the two papers on
strategic behaviours in a prediction market, there were two possible assumptions. This paper only considers the case of
when the traders receive conditionally dependent signals. An possible
extension to this paper would be to consider the same questions for the case
when traders receive conditionally independent signals?
Many assumptions are made in
this paper, especially to make the model simple enough for theoretical
considerations. First of all, it
seems to me that the model uses a call market mechanism. Moreover, by assuming forced trades for
every round, the authors avoid dealing with the problem of lack of motivation
for trading in certain scenarios.
Additionally, the authors also assume that the agents always behave
myopically and bid their true valuations.
One interesting justification used by the authors says that their
assumptions seem reasonable since the large number of agents will mean that
complex strategic behaviours will not likely improve the agent's payoff
compared to bidding one's true expected value. It sounds to me that the authors are using the limited
computational powers of traders to justify the fact that their arguments cannot
handle a more complicated and perhaps more realistic model of information
market (which is somewhat ironic).
This paper gives me an idea
of a possible project that would not be overly ambitious for a course like
this. We can start with very
simple examples of prediction markets, like the one about XOR function
mentioned in the paper. By
gradually coming up with and analyzing more and more complicated examples, we
can attempt to characterize different convergence behaviours and trader
behaviours in different scenarios.
The main goal of this project would be to come up with characteristics
that can be used to distinguish different types of markets. At some point, I imagine that the work
will get to a point where we could try to make the characterizations more
abstract, and this will naturally lead to the theorems and mathematical proofs
similar to those mentioned in this paper.
Michael Aubourg
First of all, I would like to
temper the first assessment about economic theory :
The equilibrium price of a financial asset does not always reflects all the
information regarding the asset's value :
This is true only when
markets are EFFICIENT. But it is not always the case. This concept is also
known as Information efficiency. And this concept should not be coufused with
the concept of Pareto efficiency.
To think about Market
efficiency, we can :
returns versus prices
returns for risk
the information we are looking at.
Unpredictable risk-adjusted
returns implies market efficiency.
What information are we looking ? There are 3 of them :
1) Past returns and trading
volume (weak-form efficiency)
2)Publicly available fundamental information (semi-strong-form efficiency)
3)Information used by a group of traders (strong-form information)
The aggregation of
information in an incomplete market is only partial. However, the dynamic
trading, provide extra information to fill this gap.
In reality, markets are never
complete, but we often refer to this model in order to apply the "Law of
one price" and them, to be able to price assets easily.
The paper states that the
markets reflect the true information, that is the true value of securities.
However, what happen for new financial products, or new stocks
When a new company do a IPO (initial public offering) the value of the stock often
undergoes a lot of variations in the beginning.
Furthermore, if an investor
invested a lot, let's say 25% in the stocks of a company, he might need to sell
it, if he need immediate cash (perfect liquidity).
If he is on a rush, he will
maybe sell the stocks to a lower price of its true value. Since 25% is a big
proportion, the stock price will change. However, there were
no information change in the market.
Finally some assets are sold
trough auction. (T-Bonds..) and
dealers have to buy there foor their customers. We know of course that in a auction, the bid does not always reflect the true value of
the sold object. Let remind us the Salomon's Brother scandal.
Rory Kulz
In this paper, Feigenbaum, et
al. look at information aggregation in a
particular information market design, the Shapley-Shubik mechanism; it
operates in rounds like a call market with (truthful, myopic) agents
placing bids that are averaged into a new market price. They show that
under certain (somewhat strong) conditions for Boolean functions, all
information is guaranteed to be aggregated at equilibrium, regardless
of the nature of the agents' common prior.
This is an interesting paper,
but has a number of limitations, most
notably the assumptions of truthfulness and myopic behavior. The
authors are also, I think, wrong when they ask, "What is the minimum
number of threshold securities required to implement a given
function," and claim the problem is NP-hard. It is true that this
bears an equivalence to the neural network problem, but the
NP-hardness only applies I
believe to real functions. For Boolean
functions, I think it is known that two hidden layers in a Perceptron
network suffices to represent any Boolean function (a
single-hidden-layer Peceptron network learns precisely those Boolean
functions which are linearly separable, which is only a small fraction
of the total space of Boolean functions)
Angela Ying
This paper presented an interesting
trading model with information aggregation and it derived results concerning
securities markets. It modeled trading as a game with a number of discrete
rounds, where n traders trade at every time period. Each trader is given some
private information and bets every round, using myopic strategy. The main
contribution of this paper was several theorems that show that when payoffs can
be expressed as threshold functions, then the market is guaranteed to converge
on the true value of the security, while when the payoffs cannot be expressed
as a threshold function, the market will not necessarily reach an equilibrium
that is the true value. I thought this was interesting because it doesn't mean
people want to hide their information - they simply cannot obtain any
information from the markets because of the probability distribution of
information bits. In fact, the players are playing myopically so they are not
trying to deceive other players. However, this paper lacks in the fact that the
market model may be oversimplified - in particular, I thought the fact that
each player only trades 1 unit was very limiting. In the future, it may be
worthwhile to explore a market model where players can trade an arbitrary
number of units, as long as q > 0 (because otherwise they just wouldn't
trade). In fact, it may be interesting to have a distribution of q_i's since we
have no idea why any one player would bet more shares than another. Another
thing that would be interesting is to explore non-myopic strategies and perhaps
to simulate this - maybe players could bluff with a probability p? Anyway, the
simplicity of the model leads to many interesting extensions.
Xiaolu Yu
In this article, the authors develop
a simplified model of an information market, along with trading strategies
(compared to Hanson's market scoring rules), showing the dynamical process
toward equilibrium, where information bits distributed among traders is
revealed round-by-round and incorporated into the market price, as long as
addressing the computational properties of the process. Limitations of this
method include agent simplification, prior distribution assumption, price inaccuracy,
etc. Agents are assumed to be risk-neutral, myopic, and bid truthfully (even
with proper market scoring rules, non-myopic traders, misinformed traders, or
irrational traders will contribute to noisy prices.) in the first place. If
they fail to accurately update their beliefs after each round due to
computation complexity, we can hardly believe the result price would converge
to the correct full-information price within a certain number rounds depending
on the number of the input bids. On the other hand, if agents within a market
don't have exactly the same prior distributions, or even very different priors,
what should we expect to happen to the information aggregation? It would be
more difficult (or maybe rarely possible) for agents to update their beliefs.
It's also possible that the market price would not converge in finite rounds.
It is also interesting, as the author suggested, to see
if we can derive a generalized result for generic prior distributions or
expected information states for agents. Thirdly, how inaccurate and unprecise
clearing price for each round would affect belief updating, information
revealing, and market price converging is still an open question. For example,
can a round-off error cause blow-up of the entire computation in a later step?
Last but not least, it's interesting and important to define and configure
securities to speed up convergence to equilibrium.
Brian Young
Computation in a Distributed
Information Market (Feigenbaum, Fortnow, Pennock, Sami)
I was curious about whether
the results from this paper can be linked in some way to previous papers we
have discussed. Does the paper offer any insight into the question of how to
represent conditional securities?
I really appreciated the
conclusion of this paper, which outlined a great number of the questions that I
had thought of myself, as well as many I hadn't considered. The effect of
non-rational traders, for instance, seems to relate strongly to the empirical
results found by the Berg, et al., paper on the Iowa Electronic Markets,
describing distinct groups of "typical traders" (who make trades that
are not optimal) and "marginal traders" (who are responsible for
driving market prices). Do Berg et al.'s results suggest that the effects of
irrational traders can be discounted or disregarded, and what justifications
can we find for this?
Victor Chan
The main contribution of the
paper was showing that a security that has payoff, defined by a weighted
threshold function, will have the equilibrium price converge with the actually
value of the security. The paper sets up a market where information of traders are presented as bits, and the trades happen in iterations,
where the new price is revealed at the end of each round. The authors find that
as the game cycles, the traders gain information of others, based on the new
current prices. Then they will be able to eliminate states that cannot exist
based on the current price of the security. By doing so, they change their own
expected pay off of the security, and eventually this will converge on the
actual price of the security. The authors prove though, only when the
security's pay off function is a weighted threshold function
will the property hold. The paper also evaluates the upper bound and
lower bound of reaching the convergence.
The limitation of this paper
is the number of assumptions taken. First of all the traders behave myopically,
meaning they always trade truthfully. Secondly, the amount of trading volume is
kept to one, for each trader in every round. These two assumptions greatly
simplify the model, however it doesn't reflect as accurately real world
situations. It is interesting that the author's noted it might be advantageous
to use the Market Scoring Rules, which we've seen previously in Hanson's paper
will cause traders to use a myopic strategy.
Something that was unclear to
me was how the probability distribution for the Carry bit functions. I wasn't
sure how the conditional probabilities were calculated in that part of the
paper. However most parts of the paper had simple examples using small sized
examples to demonstrate the concepts, these were helpful in understanding the
A future work for this was
already mentioned in the discussion section of the paper, and that would be to
evaluate the convergence if traders behaved strategically, and did not play
truthfully every turn. This type of a model is more complex than the one presented
in the paper, however it would be more insightful
This paper makes two main
contributions: (1) characterize the set of boolean functions over agent inputs
for which the equilibrium price incorporating the agents' information will
converge to reveal the value of the function and (2) provide linear bounds on
the number of rounds until prices converge for the set of functions that
converge to equilibrium prices that reveal the value of the function. The
results are significant because it shows that a market may not be able to
converge to prices that incorporate all information, but also that when it can
it could do so quite quickly. I found the explanations to be clear and the
examples illustrative.
The authors make a number of
simplifying assumptions to reach their conclusion, some of which are fairly
strong assumptions. The one most mentioned throughout the paper is the myopic
rationality assumption, but I found that forcing the quantity of the security
traded to be 1 in each round to be perhaps a stronger assumption. While the
authors give an explanation based on ease of analysis, I feel that this
assumption strays quite far from the market setting (perhaps towards the point
of voting). Or perhaps I missed something here.
One question I had is about
the weighted threshold function: how hard is this condition to satisfy? While
the XOR explanation is clear, I don't quite know how XOR relates to a realistic
prediction situation nor think of other prediction situations that relate to
functions that don't satisfy weighted threshold.
Nikhil Srivastava
The paper presents some very
interesting results on equilibrium price convergence in simplified
distributed-information markets. By formalizing the intuition of trading as
computation, and then examining the conditions under which that computational
process can combine information, Feigenbaum et al prove that combinations of
Boolean securities whose payoffs are threshold functions of the information
bits are guaranteed to converge to the proper equilibrium price in bounded
time. Securities that lack this property are not guaranteed to converge.
The most interesting aspect
of this paper was its formalization in terms of weighted threshold functions
and separating hyperplanes, as it reminded me strongly of a result in computational
neuroscience dealing with perceptrons. A perceptron is a simple model of a
feedforward neural network consisting of neurons whose outputs are Boolean and
whose decision conditions are simple linear functions. In trying to train this
system to "learn" some given rule relating input to output, there
exists a learning algorithm that causes the system converge to the rule in
bounded time if and only if the rule can be expressed as a threshold function.
Of course, the learning
algorithm in this case uses the desired result as an input (the justification
in this case is that in many circumstances the system should be able to
"train" on a subset of known data), but I think the similarities of
the analogy are strong. In each case we have a collection of individual agents
with unique priors (the initial decision rules of the neurons), the agents
modify their priors based on iterative outputs of all agents (the learning
algorithm), and the convergence criteria is exactly the same. Thus, perhaps
more results from computational neuroscience could be used to investigate
related problems in distributed information computing. Specifically,
"noisy" neural networks could relate to misinformed or irrational
traders, and more distributed network computation could shed light on
decentralized markets.
Avner May
This paper discusses a specific
scenario in which a group of n traders, each with a bit of private information,
is betting (over the course of a possibly infinite number of rounds) on the
value of some Boolean function over the traderŐs bits. It arrives at some very interesting
results regarding which types of functions result in the market price
converging to the actual value of the function, and how long it takes this
convergence to happen. However, I
found many of these results to be incredibly Ňfragile,Ó to use the words of the
authors. I thought that the
assumptions made at the beginning were incredibly simplifying (the authorŐs
acknowledge that it was necessary for them to make many assumptions). The authors assume that each trader
places exactly one bid in every round, and behaves myopically. It is immediately clear that the
results in this paper do not hold in a game theoretic sense; as a trader in a
given round, if I assume that the other traders are behaving as discussed, I
can bet a value which does not equal my conditional probability that f(x) = 1 given my information, and destroy the validity of
everyone elseŐs information sets, while preserving the validity of my own. This sabotage mechanism could be quite
enticing in a competitive setting, or in any zero-sum market. Furthermore, the information structure
itself is very simplifying; the fact that each person only receives a bit of
information, and this information never changes throughout the game, might not
model real information, which is more amorphous, well. Furthermore, the fact that everyone is
betting on a publicly known Boolean function, taking only the traderŐs bits as
input, is also very simplifying; how does everyone know this function? What if the outcome being bet on in a
prediction market depends on information which is
unknowable to any human trader, even in aggregate (ie, weather forecasts, or
coin flip result)? In conclusion,
I found this paper to be an interesting starting point; however, most of its
results I do not find are very valuable in general due to the large amount of
simplifying assumptions which had to be made.
Malvika Rao
This paper presents a
simplified model of an information market and
illustrates the information aggregration process as a computation of
distributed information. The authors show that the securities whose
payoffs can be expressed as the weighted threshold functions of
distributed input bits are guaranteed to converge to the equilibrium price
forecast by economic theory.
Some practical questions
arise - which the paper does not really address
even as motivation for examining this particular problem. Where do
threshold securities occur? Are they realistic? The assumption that
clearing prices are known is a strong one and it would be interesting to
examine how this process would work if the price were not known (this is
also pointed out in the conclusion as possible future work). How does
behaviour of this market mechanism change as we vary the number of
participating agents? Or if the agents entered and left the market in a
dynamic setting?
I was also curious as to why
Bob Auman's "Agreeing to disagree" paper was
not cited (from what I understand this is the work that first
the concept of common knowledge).
Sagar Mehta
The paper considers
circumstances under which a simplified model of an information market converges
to the expected equilibrium. Securities whose payoffs can be expressed as a
threshold function (e.g. OR function) are guaranteed to converge, while those that
cannot be expressed in this manner (e.g. XOR function) are not guaranteed to do
so. The paper also sets a bound on the number of rounds before convergence in
these markets. While the paper gives interesting results, I did find their
model to be rather simplified compared to how actual information markets work.
This is an interesting starting point to model information aggregation, real
scenarios are much more difficult to work with.
The paper does a good job of
mentioning some areas of future work in its conclusion. I'd be interested in
knowing what progress has been made on these open research questions thus far.
I'd especially be interested in the influence of uninformed traders or traders
with a purpose other than maximizing profit would be on whether the market
equilibrium can be reached. In real life, a trader may
buy a security as a tool to hedge against other positions in his/her portfolio.
Most of the models we have studied assume each player is trying to maximize
profit given his information, but here the agent is not necessarily acting on
some belief of his, but only to mitigate risk in some other trade. How does
this behavior affect information aggregation? Since players do not know who the signal is coming from, how can they differentiate an
agent acting on the basis of new knowledge and an agent acting simply to reduce
his overall risk?
This paper investigates the
computational process of information aggregation. Basing on a simplified model
of information market, it shows that only when the payoff of the security can
be expressed as a weighted threshold function, there exist
a converged equilibrium. This is also true, conversely. Furthermore, this paper
shows that the converging time is bounded between n/2 to n, where
n is the number of bits of distributed information.
There are several points I'd
like to make clear. First of all, I'd like to inspect the information
aggregation model used in this paper. Is it reasonable to assume that the
information an agent received is Boolean? Is there any example of Boolean
information in real market? How about common-prior assumption? How well it can
describe the system? Moreover, is it righteous to assume the quantity each
agent holds is equal to 1? It is surely alleviate the complexity of
computation, but I think it is overly simplified. Second, I'd like to know the
physical meanings of "stochastically monotone" and
"stochastically regular" functions.
I think there may be several
extensions and applications of this paper. One direction is that we can make
some alterations in the aggregation functions and to see the corresponding results.
As the paper has suggested, we can investigate the information aggregation
using similar techniques but with real inputs instead. Although some properties
still hold, it is unclear that if the market will reach an equilibrium in a
finite number of steps. Another direction to think about is the presence of
noisy prices. In this model, it is assumed that all agents are rational. What
if it is not true? Or we can drop the premise that all agents big truthfully.
It is interesting to examine the impact of the "disordered"
phenomenon. Moreover, we may also examine the common-prior assumption. How will
the aggregation be if agents don't share the same prior? There is still much
work to be done in related subjects.
This paper presents a intriguing model of a simple market where traders bet on
the outcome of a security, which is in turn dependent on all of the traders'
private information. In particular, the security is a boolean
function of the traders' private information, where each individual trader's
information consists of a single bit. The authors show that such a market must
eventually converge to an equilibrium price, but that price may not necessarily
be the true value of the security. So the authors proceed to give a necessary
and sufficient condition for the security conditions under which this
equilibrium price is exactly the value of the security. Furthermore, the
authors give lower and upper bounds to the number of timesteps required for
such convergence.
I do not like the writing
style of this paper. I think it is unorganized, and often too wordy in many
places. The size of the paper could be cut down substantially and still convey
the same points, perhaps in a clearer more concise manner. Also, the poor
typesetting makes the computations difficult to follow. I also think that some
of the proof exposition can be left to an appendix so that the results are more cleanly focused.
Nevertheless, the paper is
highly interesting. Unfortunately, there are far too many simplifying
assumptions to relate this experiment too closely to real financial markets,
but it is a fine starting point. I wonder if there are convergence results for
general functions, not just boolean ones. Also, I am
very curious about the connection of the boolean
function securities to neural networks. After all, the functions for which the
equibrium price does not equal the security's value are exactly the functions which can not be learned by a single perceptron.
Travis May
In this paper, the authors
demonstrate that there is a finite, linear number of
periods required for markets to converge to a probability that includes the
information of all of its participants.
This is a useful insight because it shows the efficacy of markets in
revealing information that is distributed across agents. However, there are three strong
assumptions in this work that future research may wish to address in order to
more accurately reflect real market conditions.
First, the each bit of information
is not necessary binary. While the
model expands logically for bits of information that are real numbers, the
paper does not address STOCHASTIC pieces of information, in which the market
probabilistic shifts are revealed to market participants (i.e., if there is
random noise in observing the information that is revealed to a participant).
Second, the assumption of
equivalent priors does not necessarily translate into reality, as different
market participants may assume different outcomes. This could be due to irrational optimism/pessimism, or it
could occur in cases where there are different theories as to joint
Third, and perhaps most
importantly, the model assumes simultaneity in revealed information. In a real market, there are different
bits of information being revealed at different times, and thus the market adjusts
over time based on new factors being priced in. In such a case, is there any theory to indicate that
convergence would occur?
Once these three assumptions
are relaxed, the model could much more accurately reflect true markets. True markets, however, tend to not
converge to a single price, and tend to continuously shift in prices over time –
an effect that could be caused by these three factors