This paper examines several
voting mechanisms which are difficult to constructively and destructively
manipulate with few candidates. The main contribution of this paper is to lay a
foundation for voting mechanisms that will force voting participants to elicit
truthful social preferences. However, I wonder how much merit this work has
practically. The paper shows that plurality, the best-known voting protocol, is
the easiest protocol to manipulate. However (referring to the Nader example in the
Introduction), doesnÕt the fact that people would rather vote for Nader imply
some sort of implicit preference? Perhaps preferences are more complex. Maybe
the agent at the beginning of the paper has preferences that align more closely
to Kerry | ~Nader > Nader > Kerry > Bush.
I donÕt quite understand why results vary depending on
whether an agent is attempting to constructively or destructively manipulate
the election outcome. It seems like the results should not differ for the type
of manipulation. Also, I am unclear about the Copeland voting protocol. I donÕt
quite understand how the Copeland score is computed.
Starting from the assumption
that all voting protocols are manipulable, this
paper shows a way to make
elections hard to manipulate. The paper defines
voting manipulation as voting
according to someone's expected outcome not true preference. However, in an
electoral college voting system, knowing that your truly preferred candidate is
unlikely to win, would it make a difference if you vote according to your true
preference? It seems to me that voting manipulation in a Popular Voting system
, where every single vote counts, is more destructive. On the other hand, in a
electoral college voting system, unless vote manipulation is carried out on a
large scale (collation of voters), manipulation would have minimal effect.
In this paper, the discussion
is limited to scenarios where candidates are few.
The reason behind this
restriction is to reduce the number of possible votes
for a single voter. According
to the paper, this restriction will cause all
voter to have equal weight in
te election. But, would not they also have equal weight in the case of large
number of candidates?
The long analysis in the
paper concludes that manipulation is avoidable by
employing voting protocols
where beneficial manipulations is hard to determine. So, manipulation hardness
is proportional to computationally complexity. Also, it was shown the the
hardness is dependant on the number of candidates.
Rory Kulz
Well, I have to say, I was
pretty happy about Figure 2 and the tables
at the end of this paper. So
much to keep track of!
The basic idea at the heart
of the paper isn't totally out of left
field. After all, numerous
cryptographic protocols are based on the
same idea of focusing on
computationally hard problems. That being
said, I think it's an
interesting notion. Of course, the perfect
information case is almost
entirely irrelevant to the real-world (one
thought is electronic voting
machines, but there the possibilities for
manipulation are so great and
widespread as to make the sorts of
collusion this paper deals
with almost irrelevant), but it's nice that
-- despite complete
information -- hardness results were obtained for
such low numbers of candidates
in several common protocols. This is a
great news for the incomplete
information case, and as the authors
point out towards the end,
perhaps there can be a better notion of
hardness for such protocols
than NP-completeness.
This paper is extremely comprehensive,
but there are still a couple of
questions I noticed that
weren't mentioned in the paper:
- What's the complexity of destructive CW-manipulation for
randomized cup protocol? This
detail got skipped over; just curious.
- Hardness results relied primarily on many-one reductions
2-PARTITION to manipulation.
But what about approximation algorithms?
It's not very good if an
election can be "approximately" manipulated,
i.e. up to a certain
reasonable probability of success.
Zhenming Liu
This paper looks like a
grounding work for election manipulation. It shows as much result (from both
the Ôeasiness sideÕ and Ôhardness sideÕ) as possible on various voting
policies, which makes me recall a KarpÕs famous paper that enumerate through as
many NP complete problem as possible. I believe a paper of this type shall be
served as a toolkit for further research. And it is really difficult to comment
on the value of each individual theorem.
Regarding the voting policy,
some look really complicated (to me). Maybe these policies are designed with a
mindset that the voters are computers, which donÕt mind voting in numerous
rounds before the result comes out. Perhaps it is important to address the
ÔnaturenessÕ of the voting policies if voters were not computers.
Regarding the
easiness/hardness results: Perhaps since it is an early grounding work, it
makes me feel like I am returning to 30 years ago, where there are only 2
members of interested in complexity zoo: P and NP. RP/BPP is not even there,
not mentioning other animals IP, AM, ZKP that sounds will have some connection
with social choice theorem. Maybe researches in this area has already been more
exciting since this paper is published.
I see there is some effort in
attempting to develop hardness/easiness result in more generalized models.
i.e., only the distribution on the votes is known. And it is interesting to see
their arguments in Theorem 15 (if you cannot manipulate, you cannot even do
some other tasks that are considered to be fundamental). But in general, the
results are not really impressive.
The main contribution of this
paper is to establish theoretical results on the hardness of manipulating
elections when the number of candidates is a small constant. This is important because it uses a
more realistic scenario than previous research, in which the number of
candidates is unbounded. This
paper is also very successful in establishing the desirable result that
manipulation is very hard for certain voting protocols even with a very small
number of candidates.
The main insight in
establishing many of the hardness results was the reduction from the partition
problem, which is NP-complete.
This is unlike some previous theoretical papers we read in which
completely different approaches are used for proving related theorems. These unifying approaches make me
wonder whether these voting protocols have some common underlying
properties. If these properties
can be made explicit, they could help answer the question: what properties make
a voting protocol hard/easy to manipulate? One related discovery the authors is the fact that
randomization can make manipulation harder for certain protocols. This seems to be a first step in
answering the fundamental question of characterizing voting protocols based on
their manipulability.
In my opinion, one major
limitation of this paper is that it focuses on the complete information
scenario, which is not realistic.
Even though the hardness results for the complete information case can
imply hardness results for the case with uncertainty, I still wonder if for the
uncertainty case, a group of voters can somehow manipulate the election by
approximating the probability of winning for particular candidates. Moreover, another limitation
acknowledged by the authors is that NP-hardness is rather a weak guarantee of
hardness, since it does not guarantee that only few instances are easy to
manipulate. This would be an
interesting potential area to explore as well.
Nick Wells
This was an interesting paper.
The premise that hard-to-manipulate systems make it impractical that voters
simply will not manipulate it is interesting though I question the idea given
that there are so many different voting agents with overall a lot of
computative power. Although, if we assume that very few agents will be able to
accomplish this then perhaps on the margin we are indifferent. On the other
hand, the results of this paper are as substantive if a voter has more
information about the votes his or her peers.
Something that potentially
interests me is seeing how similar ideas could be
applied but to cases of
sequential issues/votes. For example, in a legislature
or a voting council.
Victor Chan
The main contribution of this
paper is the evaluation of the hardness of manipulation under various voting
protocols and varying degrees of knowledge of how other will vote. The paper
looks at two types of manipulation, the constructive coalitional weighted
manipulation and also the destructive coalitional weighted manipulation. It was
found that all of the protocols examined in the paper were subject to
manipulation in P when there are 2 candidates. This make sense since
calculating how to manipulate the election, will only require calculating a
(n+1)^m! possible votes. In this case m = 2, and sufficiently small.
Furthermore, more complex voting protocols such as STV, Borda, and veto, all
demonstrated NP-complete hardness with more than 3 candidates. Another of the
paper's insight was proving the harndess using a weighted vote. This
generalizes the results, so the analysis can be applied to elections where
different votes have different priority, ie voting in a board room amongst
shareholders vs board of directors.
Finally the paper talks about
manipulation where there isn't perfect information about how all the
non-manipulative voters will vote. It is interesting to note that when there is
perfect information, it is just a special case of the distribution of the votes
in the non-perfect information setting.
The trend in the paper's
proofs were to show that given an election, to manipulate it, one would have to
calculate the partition based on the votes. This to me almost seems like the
weighted knapsack problem, which is known to be NP-hard. Perhaps there is some
correlation between the two, as the knapsack problem is the basis of generating
keys in cryptography, so that it is sufficiently hard for someone to brute
force and break the system.
The article also shows that
the plurality manipulation is in P for all number of candidates. This is
interesting, since it is the election protocol used most by humans. This result
gives insight into why strategic voting, or block voting is so prominent in
elections. Perhaps this is a suggestion that, our current voting system does
not represent the social choice of the voters, but rather a coalition of
manipulators? Also it would be interesting to investigate the case,where there
are two groups of manipulators, how would that affect the outcome.
A project idea would be to
examine how these voting protocols can be used in a distributed system. Voting
for a leader is an important problem in distributed systems, and many of the
voting protocols used are dependent upon truthful nodes in the system (ie bully
algorithm). As such, a greedy node can manipulate the system into doing what is
best for it. By applying these types of voting schemes into a distributed
system where the number of candidates is often very high, it can quickly become
unfeasible for a greedy node to manipulate the system.
The main contribution of this
paper is in the characterization of the computationally complexity for
manipulating various voting protocols with small number of alternatives when
voters' votes are weighted. The authors first establish that in the unweighted
case a coalition (or single voter) can find manipulations by enumerating all
possible votes, which is polynomial in the number of voters within the
coalition. Then, using this result, the authors need only show that
manipulators can vote identically to achieve any manipulation effects even with
weighted votes and then enumerate over possible votes. The authors then derive NP-hardness
results using partition sum as a reduction to show that a manipulation
corresponds 1:1 with solving the partition sum problem.
This work is interesting from
a theoretical perspective but leaves me with many questions:
- How useful are the results
of this work in practice? Are the results strong enough to suggest that we
choose one voting rule over another? (e.g., we should probably use majority
rule, which satisfies standard axioms over a larger class of preferences than
essentially all other voting rules? [see "On the Robustness of Majority
Rule", Partha Dasgupta and Eric Maskin] Along another line - given
realistic distributions of votes, is it actually difficult to find
manipulations? Also, are there cases where it is often quite obvious what a
manipulation may be, and/or cases when local search works quite well for
finding manipulations?
- How hard is it to actually
manipulate the outcome of an election? Does the Gibbard and Satterthwaite
Theorem suggest that a unilateral manipulation always exists regardless of the
preference profile, or only for certain profiles? If it is only for certain
profiles, then I think it will be quite nice to characterize how likely is an
manipulation to exist as a function of the manipulating coalition (has this
already been done?).
- The author's NP hardness
proof relies heavily on votes having different weights for the reduction to partition
sums (the partition problem is trivial for all same weights). While the authors
show the extension to unweighted votes in the imperfect information case, I
wasn't quite sure how restrictive the perfect correlation requirement is in
In this paper the authors study
various voting protocols for the purpose of determining how suceptible they are
to voting manipulation. The two types of manipulations considered are
constructive manipulation, where agents work to make a given candidate win and
destructive manipulation where agents efforts are directed at making a given
candidate lose. A given voting protocol's susceptibility to manipulation is
taken to correspond to the computational complexity of manipulating the system.
One potential pitfall with this measure, though, is that the complexity of a
given scheme corresponds to a finite set of implementations of the voting
scheme, which means that there can be implementations of the scheme that can be
solved with less difficulty than the complexity results derived in the paper.
The general results for the voting schemes studied are summarized in a tables
on pg 26 and p27. Not surprisingly, a general result is that the complexity of
constructive manipulation is higher than that for destructive manipulation --
indeed a reasonable result given that with destructive manipulation the focus
is on one candidate losing, where as in constructive manipulations, the agent
must consider all candidates and the mans for his/her prefered candidate to beat
out the other contenders. An interesting result of this paper is that a voting
protocol governed by plurality can be solved in polynomial time,w erheas a
plurailty with runoff is NP-complete. In the US there exists a plurality
system, whereas in some European countries such as France there exists a
plurality with runoff possibility. I'm interested in what the effects of having
a runoff + plurality system may have on incentivizing third party candidates.
Also the 2000 election should be an interesting case study in manipulation, in
which the popular vote and electoral college both determined different winners.
Nikhil Srivastava
Conitzer et al present a
challenging but interesting set of results on the complexity of manipulating a
variety of voting schemes for different numbers of candidates. Their results
and proofs are piecemeal, usually specific to each voting rule and for a given
candidate number, but especially useful given the fact that real-world
elections rarely have a large, finite set of outcomes. They also deal with
variants like weighted voting and the difference between constructive and
destructive manipulation.
The motivating idea behind
the paper is to computationally prohibit manipulation. I wonder about the
feasibility of a *hidden* voting scheme where the exact details are unknown to
the voters. This seems a little un-democratic, but perhaps a guarantee that the
scheme falls within a certain parameter range might provide enough voter
comfort while still making manipulation difficult or even impossible. A related
idea: divide the voters randomly into m subsets, each with a different voting
scheme, and combine the m results in some other fashion to reach a decision. A
would-be manipulator does not know into which subset his vote will fall and has
a much more difficult task.
Michael Aubourg
I would raise two points
linked to this papers :
-To what extend do polls
influence voters' choices ?
-When is the strategic vote
frequent ? When did it happen ?
The first think I am thinking
about is this point :
Manipulation is an
undesirable phenomenon. So is strategic votes.
And when do people vote
strategically ? When they have information about the expected results, or
strong believes.
During pre-election periods,
this information mostly comes from polls and surveys.
Whe should wonder about
polls' role. Is it good ? Maybe should polls be forbidden a month or a week
before an election ?
What poll's role ? First of
all, they are used by the candidate to compared themselves to their rivals.
Then it's used by the media :
Indeed, media hardly care
about a candidate with few chances to elected. Finally it give information to
electors. And this can lead to the strategic vote.
This has bad side-effect : When a candidate starts
badly, he is even more likely to be worse. It 's the same think for candidates
doing good.
Polls' publication tends to
amplify the spread between candidates.
In France for instance, media
play a major role, since the behave as Primary elections by separating
candidates into two class "the potential winners" and "the ones
doomed to lose"
What about the USA ? As the
USA has by and large, a two party system, there is almost no opportunity for
tactical voting to occur in general elections.
In the Canadian election,
2004 and to a lesser extent in the Canadian General election 2006, strategic
voting was a concern for the federal New Democratic Party. In the 2004
election, the governing Liberal Party was able to convince many New Democratic
voters to vote Liberal in order to avoid a Conservative government.
So politicians should
consider strategic voting as a danger/friend. They should always be aware of
it, as soon as the election system is not a two party system.
Brian Young
When Are Elections with Few
Candidates Hard to Manipulate? (Conitzer, Sandholm, Lang)
I really enjoyed this
article, but I found it very dense; there were a great number of things to keep
in mind, and I'm not sure I retained everything, even on my second or third
read. Here are some questions I had in mind while reading, and I hope I didn't
miss a place where the paper addressed them.
1. Even in the cases when
finding a successful manipulation strategy is NP-hard, might there be a
reasonably good approximation strategy that is in P?
2. The paper considered the
situation where every voter was either voting his or her true preferences or
voting as a member of a coalition, and there was only one coalition in play.
What would be the effects of adding multiple coalitions, potentially with
competing goals?
3. We saw in discussions of
prediction markets that there existed a tradeoff between making the market
responsive enough to reflect agents' true preferences and making it difficult
to manipulate through strategic play. Does a similar problem arise here; that
is, if we make the voting protocol difficult to manipulate, will we also cause
it to reflect something less than the true aggregate preferences?
4. I'm not convinced that
there's an easy or natural way to introduce more candidates, or even more
viable candidates. To take the example from the paper's introduction (the Nader
- Kerry - Bush example), if a third (or fourth, or fifth) candidate is truly a
non-viable candidate, why should a rational voter, even one who would prefer
that candidate, support that candidate? And if a voting protocol actually gives
that candidate a high enough probability of winning that our voter would find
it worthwhile to support that candidate, wouldn't that lead to, again, an
inaccurate (or inaccurate with higher probability) aggregation of the voters'
Hao-Yuh Su
First, this paper
investigates the complete-information coalition manipulation problems of
weighted voters. The manipulation can be either constructive or destructive.
This paper studies the number of candidates needed in each voting protocol such
that the hardness of manipulation occurs. Second, it tries to find the
condition where evaluating a manipulation is NP-hard.
Before deriving his results,
this author made an assumption that the voters will not change their preference
once they submitted it, even when there are several rounds through out the
voting process, say under the cup protocol. It may be a reasonable assumption,
but it may not be practical in my opinion. In reality, voters may change their
preference from one round to another. Here, I have a question. How should we
model the problem if the preference profile changes from round to round? If we
say that voters have complete information, does this also mean that those
changes are known among voters?
My second question is about
the definition of coalition manipulation. According to the definition, it is
said that, given a set of the manipulators' votes T, a set of others' vote S
and a preferred candidate p, there exists a coalition manipulation if there exists
a way to cast the votes in T so that p wins. Is there any restriction on the
size of the set of the manipulators? Or we can say it's a coalition
manipulation even if there are only two manipulators given a certain number of
voters? Or there is minimum number of manipulators needed in different
Xiaolu Yu
Truthful preference
aggregation is a central issue in multiagent settings. Voting is generally used
as the tool to realize such information aggregation, but the downside is
obvious: all general voting protocols are manipulable. The main contribution of
this paper is studying and deriving hardness results for realistic elections
where the number of candidates is a small constant, rather than unbounded
assumed in earlier work. Motivated by the fact that the hardness of
manipulation can be reasonably measured by computational complexity among
computational agents, the author addressed whether a given protocol is hard to
manipulate, and how many candidates are needed for the hardness to occur (the
lower this number, the less manipulable the protocol).
One important issue the
article raised is that manipulation is hard in the common case under
uncertainty about others' votes. The author thus suggested people would be
generally less concerned about manipulation given that in the realistic voting
case, not too much is known about how other will vote. Interestingly, although
I think this is correct to some extent, we still see manipulation among various
voting process. How could that happen? One possibility could be weights
assigned to voters as far as I concern. In the "subsequent work"
section, the author mentioned "expanding the definition of a voting
rule", in which the pivotal voters are banished in such a way that they
will not enjoy or suffer from the chosen candidate, and concluded that in this
way truthful voting is a weakly dominant strategy. This seems to me an over
constrained condition to circumvent the problem. On the one hand, if voters
don't benefit or hurt by choosing candidates, then why vote anyway? It is
possible that their votes would be "manipulated" by other voters
whose interests are intertwined with which candidates who are going to win. On
the other hand, if weights of voters are assigned in a "smarter" way,
say, the weight of a given coalition is somehow not equal to the sum of the
weight of each individual within the coalition, in a sense that the manipulable
interests is somehow minimized by dynamically assign weights among coalitions
and individuals, then manipulation will be damped to a certain extent.
The article shows different
degrees of tolerance of general voting protocols to manipulation. I am quite
interested by the future/subsequent work. The very last possible direction for
future works proposed in the article suggests voting rules that are hard to
execute. This is a very involving method to think about, given its bright side
– the winner needs to be determined only once, while the manipulation
algorithm needs to simulate the voting rule multiple times. I would like to
learn more about the feasibility of this method.
Brett Harrison
This paper provides many
interesting complexity results about voting rules that are computationally hard
to manipulate.
I wonder which, if any, of
these scoring rules (and their corresponding complexity results) could be put
into practice in actual political elections. Are there scoring rules for which
manipulation is hard in such a situation, where voters only have probabilistic
estimates of other voters' future decisions (i.e. polls)? There is certainly
room for manipulation in the American political voting system (but perhaps this
manipulation is negligible since there are so many voters), and I am interested
to know if the mathematics in this paper could create a theoretical voting scheme
that could in practice be deployed.
I also would like to see
further results that state the extent of possible manipulation. That is, it may
be possible for a voter to manipulate the outcome, but maybe he can only
influence the relative positions of two candidates and not all of them. This is
just one example of a type of result that would come to terms with manipulation
by saying that "in the worst case, the amount of manipulation is not too
Sagar Mehta
This paper explores how
voting mechanisms with a finite number of people and candidates can be made
computationally hard to manipulate. There are two main avenues used to achieve
this result - elections where votes are weighted and settings where evaluating
a manipulation is NP-hard (i.e. what if we have a probability distribution of
the non-colluders' votes?). This paper significantly adds to previous research
on this topic because, as the authors mentioned, earlier work assumed that the
number of votes and candidates is unbounded.
Much of the paper spends time
describing the computational complexity of manipulation for various voting
mechanism where voters have different weights. The paper also considers
situations where each player has perfect knowledge of each other player's
preferences. Again, these scenarios are unlikely to occur in real-life
elections. The paper did however give important theoretical results on the
computational complexity of manipulation in various voting mechanisms. I'd be
interesting in classifying exactly what determines the "hardness" of
a voting mechanism and the number of candidates before we transition from P to
I also had a question about
the general nature of how we vote for president. The purpose of a voting scheme
is to choose a winner based on preference elicitation. So, if more people
prefer Barack Obama to John McCain, Barack Obama should win the election.
However, philosophically, in an election with more candidates, voting does
poorly in maximizing utility. For instance, suppose Barack Obama supporters
gain some utility out of a President Obama and zero utility out of Pres.
McCain, John McCain supporters gain some utility out of a President McCain and
zero out of Pres Obama, and all people get some equal amount of utility out of
a Pres. Clinton. Theoretically, a utility maximizing benefactor might pick
Clinton if the sum of the utilities is greatest for Clinton, however this is
not how the plurality method works and so we could end up with the less total
utility than socially optimal outcome.
The authors of this article approach
the problem of evaluating the merits a certain voting protocols from a very
practical angle. Instead of asking
whether a certain voting protocol is theoretically manipulable, they ask how
hard it is to manipulate a given protocol (with a certain number of
candidates). The motivation behind
this is that often it might be too difficult (computationally speaking) for a
group to actually manipulate an election, even if it may theoretically be
manipulable. They investigate both
destructive and constructive manipulation, as well as the effects of
uncertainty about other votes on the complexity of manipulation. In general, I found the work in this
paper to be very valuable; it performed a very broad overview of manipulation
complexity with many common voting protocols. It is definitely a paper which I believe would be useful in
elections where there were high stakes and many fears of manipulation. I also found the results to be very
applicable to the current election; the US uses a combination of plurality
protocol, and weighted plurality protocol (where the states are the voting
agents, and they cast varying numbers of Electoral College votes). I find it slightly disconcerting that
this is a very easy protocol to manipulate; independent-party voters have no
incentive to vote for their candidate other than to make a point, and people
who have residence in multiple states get to choose which state to vote in
(thus adding an element of strategy to an election, which should not exist if
the election is purely about honestly gathering preferences). I think the results are very valuable
in the case of human voters; if it is unintuitive, or not at all obvious, how a
person/group could manipulate an election, I think they will be much less
likely to do so. I was intrigued
by the possibilities mentioned at the end of this article of making the actual
problem of computing the winner computationally difficult as a way of
preventing manipulation, or of trying to embed a hard problem, like factoring,
in the manipulation problem. I
think these could be interesting questions to approach from a cryptographic
Malvika Rao
Several questions come to
mind on reading this paper. One rather obvious
question is the average case
complexity of these manipulation schemes. A
manipulation might be NP-hard
to achieve but those pathological cases
might be isolated and the
majority of cases might be far more easily
If we accept that most voting
schemes are manipulable, then it might be
worthwhile to ask what we can
do to limit the damage. Can we somehow
detect that manipulation has
taken place? Can we somehow normalize the
result to reflect that
manipulation has taken place? Rather than trying to
design voting schemes that
resist manipulation (hard to design) why not
concentrate on designing
voting schemes that allow manipulation but can
guarantee certain limits on
the extent of the manipulation. This might
have an application
In this paper they consider
elections with few candidates. But we can ask
also about the number of
manipulators. How many manipulators are needed to
accomplish an effective
manipulation? what should be their distribution
and/or timing? For example,
in a 2 alternative majority vote (alternatives
A and B), suppose that 75% of
voters have already voted truthfully. And
90% of these voted for
alternative A. At this stage if the remaining 25%
of voters vote to manipulate
the election, this manipulation will have no
effect on the outcome. One
might imagine that a manipulation scheme which
requires a majority of voters
to manipulate in order to succeed is
unlikely to happen.
The awareness of voters
regarding whether others are manipulative or not
might change over time. The
first few voters might not be aware whereas
later voters might become
aware. See Joseph Halpern's work on modeling
awareness as a game.
A good question raised in
class is whether certain types of manipulation
are really that undesirable.
We might want to first clearly describe and
define what is manipulation
and when it is "wrong". In the example where a
voter knows his top choice
has no chance of being selected and therefore
votes for his second choice,
it appears to me that the voter is simply
acting in a self-interested
manner. In mechanism design the agents are
assumed to be self-interested
and the whole point is in fact to design a
mechanism that nonetheless
manages to maximize social welfare despite the
agents' self-interested
behaviour (through incentives).
Collusion might come with a
cost. It would be interesting to examine the
"cost of collusion"
and how many colluders are needed to effect a
successful manipulation.
There is research on collusion resistant
mechanisms with regards to
auctions. Perhaps this might be applied to
designing voting systems that
are collusion resistant up to a certain
degree (but not necessarily
manipulation resistant).
Slightly unrelated to
manipulation, but it would be interesting to look
into "dynamic"
voting models.
Travis May
Preference aggregation
through elections is extremely difficult (if not
impossible) to implement, as
all election rules are manipulable.
This paper
suggests that two solutions
to this problem have been presented in the past:
first, constraining the
utility functions of the voters, and second, randomly
selecting a
"dictator" who makes the ultimate decision. The paper proposes a
third, practical solution -
making manipulation computationally difficult to
the extent that it becomes
impossible for agents to perform.
The paper breaks
down various voting rules and
evaluates the number of candidates required to
make a strategic voting
calculation NP-hard.
I would like to propose a
different alternative, along the same lines but
inolving randomization. Instead of randomizing the dictatorial
agent to
prevent manipulation, one
could instead randomize the voting rules themselves.
Ideally, the randomization
could be done between two voting rules that cause
opposite strategies, causing
those two strategies to offset each other exactly.
If this cannot be done, then the randomization should at
least go a long way in
making the problem more
computationally difficult to compute.
I'd also like to add an
interesting story about vote manipulation. Decades ago,
Harvard house assignments
were assigned based on preferences.
Harvard quickly discovered that students were not revealing true
preferences, and they were making strategic rankings, so they tried to change
the system. They played
with several systems for the
next few years, until they realized that the
students were consistently
able to game it. Now, the system
is completely
randomized and students have
no say on their allocations.