Student Comments –
Haoqi Zhang
Ranking Systems: the PageRank
The main contribution of this paper is the complete
characterization of the set of axioms satisfied by pageRank
and showing that under these axioms, pageRank is the
only possible ranking algorithm. Their result is significant because it shows
that any algorithm satisfying the axioms is pageRank,
and furthermore, the axioms require only ordinal relations and are fairly
reasonable, which provides a justification for both pageRank
and vice versa pageRank for the underlying axioms.
In reading the paper, I did nevertheless find the
justifications to be roundabout -- in that the authors argue that the axioms
are reasonable because of pageRank and pageRank is reasonable because Google
uses it. I think one interesting direction for future work is to look at the
conditions under which pageRank performs poorly (or
well) and to see which of the axioms correspond or contribute to the observed
behavior. This may lead us to better understand how these properties relate to
what we consider to be 'good' search rankings.
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
The main contribution of this paper is in introducing a
simple, expressive growth model of user click behavior on a webpage as it
relates to the position, popularity, and novelty of articles on the page. The
authors' then take this model and fit data from to estimate the values
of the various parameters of the model, and show that despite the
multiplicative form of the function combining position and novelty, the factors
can be separated. With the goal of maximizing the total number of clicks
discounted over time (what the authors call attention), the authors show that
there is a sharp transition based on the decay to whether position based on
novelty versus popularity.
In a sense we can view this paper as alternative forms of
ranking results based on the outcome we wish to achieve and the environmental
conditions (e.g. decay rate) present in our setting. I found the results to be
quite interesting as it relates the strategies directly to the outcome we seek ---
I think models of this type can really influence goal-oriented design in a
variety of internet settings.
I also wonder if we can use the results of this paper to not only choose which strategy to use but to think about how to influence the various parameters of the system and how these changes (even small ones) can lead to significant differences in the total number of clicks (and we may choose a different strategy based on the new parameter values).
Subhash Arja
In the paper "Ranking Systems: The PageRank
Axioms" by A. Altman, et al., the authors merely show and illustrate graph
theoretic axioms that the PageRank system satisfies. The
major conclusion in the paper is that any page ranking algorithm that
subsequently satisfies these axioms must coincide with PageRank.
This paper was completely theory based with very little descriptions to
applications. I found it interesting that they associated PageRank
with social choice, since I had only considered it purely from a graph
theoretic point of view. The proofs were done well, but I thought that the
paper in general could have used more examples. I did appreciate the examples
they provided for for the three major axioms in
Figure 1. There is no "Conclusion" section in the paper since the
authors set out to prove certain axioms. I felt that the discussion section was
lacking in the area of future work. The authors mention that this paper is the
initial study in the topic of page ranking systems. However, I would have liked
to see some hint or inclination towards some concrete applications.
Unlike the first paper, the second paper b F. Wu, et al., is very applicable to real world scenarios and forms its whole argument around study of I always find papers that conduct these sort of tests because of the implications the results have for many companies who seek to maximize their profits. These results would be very useful not only for information aggregation sites like Digg but also news sites and for advertisers. For example, if CNN knew what the best way to order their articles to gain more viewership, they can figure out a profit-maximizing assignment to advertisers. If they found that novelty was the major reason people read an article, they would charge advertisers more money to have ads instantly show up along with breaking news stories. This is one area that can be explored as future work based on the concepts and methodology laid out in this paper. However, the paper limits itself to considering only 3 strategies and it is possible that the results are skewed based on the frequent users of Digg. For instance, Digg users tend to be more tech savvy and liberal-leaning based on the stories that frequently appear on the top ten list. An interesting study could be done on a more impartial information aggregation site.
Rory Kulz
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
I came into computer science through pure mathematics, so
this is the
sort of paper that really appeals
to me. PageRank by itself is a great
idea and seems out-of-the-blue, but
to show that there's a natural
reason to have considered a great
idea, now that's a *great* idea.
Anyway, very cool, I'm anxious to hear about follow-up work.
wondered about possibilities of
weakening the axioms. In the last
proof, the deletion properties and
the edge duplication property
seemed maybe more fundamental than
the more natural committee,
collapsing, and proxy properties. What
if we take those as axioms?
Like in Euclidean geometry, Playfair's
axiom versus the parallel
This also raises the question whether PageRank
varieties that involve
damping factors or incorporate time
data to boost the PageRank of
newer pages (so that they are not
overwhelmingly disadvantages by the
number of links) can also be
thought of as the canonical ranking
algorithm under a set of axioms.
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
Pretty boring. I had trouble seeing
how this fits in with the rest of
the voting stuff, exactly, but I
guess it's a good idea: attempt to
model diggs
based on novelty and popularity and figure out how to
display stories in order to
maximize essentially people getting to see
what they will want to see.
I don't really buy a lot of this, though. If stock prices (which
would think are less random or
chaotic than say memes and Internet
culture) are hard to model with
stochastic equations and the like, why
should diggs
fit? Even assuming that and considering the optimal
ordering problem, they look at such
specific cases that I really fail
to see how this fits into a broader
theoretical framework. It's also
not clear that attention is the
thing you want to maximize; maybe if
popular stories dominate the front
page of digg for long periods of
time, people won't visit digg as frequently because they are seeking
novel content.
Zhenming Liu
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
This paper tries to link the PageRank
algorithm with social choice theory by showing that assuming a few axioms of a
ranking algorithm, PageRank is the unique algorithm. It
is indeed an exciting results despite the fact that
page rank has been studied for a long while.
There are an array of questions
that remains unanswered in this paper though. My first immediate question is
which axiom Kleinberg’s page ranking algorithm violates. Kleinberg’s algorithm
is another important algorithm that ranks pages based on the link structure. This
paper’s result is suggesting Kleinberg’s algorithm is violating some axioms. It
would be interesting to further investigate Kleinberg’s algorithm in the axiom
system proposed in this paper.
Second, the “naturalness” of the proposed axiom system needs
more justification. It is self-evident
that the axioms should hold for any ranking algorithm, nevertheless, these
axioms do not seem to be critical to a ranking algorithm. It is not clear
whether there exists other ranking algorithm that sacrifices one or two axioms
proposed in the paper.
Also, the social network is arguably a dynamics system while
the page rank was designed to rank static web pages. It is not clear how the
page rank works (and how the axioms are re-formulated) if the connectivity in a
social network system changes frequently.
Along the same line of thought, there could be many types of connections
between two entities in a social network (e.g., positive, negative, strong tie,
weak tie). The page rank algorithm treats the connections among pages uniformly.
It is not clear how we can close the gap between the real world and the page
rank model.
Popularity, Novelty, and Attention
This paper studied the roles that popularity and novelty
play in attracting the users’ attention. The authors extended an existing
novelty model by adding one more “popularity” parameter, which depends on the
position of the story/link. They then do a regression on real data to obtain
the estimated parameter. By using these estimated parameters, a simulation
system is built and different algorithms are tested using the simulation.
This paper did not put much effort to justify the model. And I cannot see the reason of establishing the relation $N_{t + 1} = N_t(1 + a_ir_tX_t)$ in their model. It also looks strange to me that they can only test their algorithm in a simulated environment. They claimed that it is usually hard to estimate the algorithms’ performance without simulation, on the other hand, I believe finding (approximate) optimal algorithm is possible rather than comparing a few simple strategies.
Xiaolu Yu
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
The importance of the paper is it initiated work on this
topic by introducing representation theorem for PageRank,
bridging the gap between page ranking algorithms and the mathematical theory of
social choice. Page ranking is the fundamental for search technology. Motivated
by the open major challenge of tackling the descriptive approach in the new
internet context, where the set of voters and the set of alternatives coincide,
this paper introduced a representation theorem for PageRank.
Any page ranking algorithm that satisfies isomorphism, self edge, vote by
committee, collapsing, and proxy is proved to be the PageRand
ranking system. Furthermore, two ranking systems that have
the weak deletion, strong deletion, and edge duplication properties, and
satisfies the self edge and isomorphism axioms, are the same ranking system.
The main contribution of the second paper is suggesting a
principled way of choosing what to prioritize in order to maximize attention
when designing dynamic websites. Depending on the rate of decay of novelty,
prioritizing novelty and emphasizing popularity can be chosen to deploy with
great care in measuring decay rate of novelty, because the switch between the
two benchmark strategies switches so sharply around a critical value, which resembles
phase transition observed in the real world.
One question I have after reading this paper is about the
third strategy. I do not see (or maybe I overlooked something) where in the
article clearly proves that this strategy is indeed myopic and generates the
most clicks only in the next few minutes. According to Figure 4 and discussion
correspondingly, I understand O3 in general is the best strategy, and by
assigning different weights to novelty and popularity yields an even better
strategy, the paper does not provide a convincing proof to the myopic
characteristic of O3. If a great amount of efforts are needed to measure the
decay rate of novelty, why bother to do it since we also have to be prepared
for possible reverse results if we just make a minor mistake?
A second question is we are now aware of the second strategy prioritizing popularity performs poorly for case. It is also discussed that if novelty decays too slow, strategy two should be preferred to strategy one. I keep wondering what possible applications for strategy two are in the real world, because as the article explained in section three: new stories can never find their way to the front page since all the old stories have more clicks.
Victor Chan
Papers: Ranking Systems: The PageRank
Axioms and Popularity, Novelty and Attention
The two papers Ranking Systems: The PageRank
Axioms and Popularity, Novelty and Attention examines
the internet/webpages and the way they are ranked and
preferred. The PageRank paper shows rankings of pages
on the internet based on the links they have to each other. The PageRank algorithm is described as a social choice or
preference ordering of pages based on the likelihood of reaching a page through
links. The Popularity, Novelty, and Attention paper by Wu and Huberman, deals with how to generate the most clicks on a
single webpage, based on the popularity or novelty of the links, where
popularity is described as the number clicks it has already had, and novelty is
described as how much new/fresh the link is.
The main contribution of the first paper,
is to describe a set of axioms for a ranking system that includes isomorphism,
self edge, vote by committee, collapsing and proxy. The paper then shows that PageRank satisfies all these axioms and that any other page
ranking algorithms will coincided withe
PageRank. The paper treats the internet as a graph
where the links are the edges between the vertices (webpages).
It would be interesting to apply different weights to these links/edges since a
back link from wikipedia might be more valuable than
a back link from a personal website. If this were true, I would say some of the
axioms cannot hold. For example collapsing or proxy have
notions of removing or adding pages in between links without affecting the
rankings of pages before or after.
The second paper talks about how to maximize the number of
clicks of links on a dynamic webpage. The paper examines three types of
strategy of placing links, one based on popularity (number of existing clicks),
one based on novelty (how new the link is) and one based on the likelihood of
generating additional clicks in the next time period. The results were obtained
from simulations and it showed that based on the decay factor of novelty, one
should pick either the popularity scheme or the novelty scheme. It is
interesting to note that the switch between these two strategies occurs
abruptly at a value of novelty factor decay. The paper also suggests that the
third strategy will work best in most cases, since it is a mix of both
popularity and novelty, and doesn't only bet on one factor. I found that since
this analysis was performed on a website such as there are certain
limitations. For example, on digg, users try to find
news bits and read them, however relevancy is not key. A search engine such as google,
would benefit more from listing search results based on popularity, rather than
novelty, no matter what the decay factor was.
Both papers presented interesting insights into how content is indexed on the internet. A possible project idea would be to see how both these indexing schemes can be manipulated. There is a lot of people doing SEO on google, and it would be interesting to see if PageRank can be improved to be unaffected by some of the techniques that exist. (I'm sure Google is already work on this though....)
Angela Ying
First paper: Popularity, Novelty, and Attention
I thought this was a very interesting paper. It discussed
methods of ranking pages, focusing on digg, a website
where users can post links, and other users can express that they like the link
by "digg"ing it. Specifically, it discussed
the different effects of popularity, which is either the number of clicks or
the number of diggs, and novelty, which is expressed
as a decaying function that starts at 1. The paper also showed from digg data that being in the first position versus second
position makes a difference in diggs. The author
developed 3 models - 1 that ranked in favor of more popular links, 1 that
ranked in favor of more novel links, and 1 that ranked in favor of the most "replicated"
story, which was a balance between popularity and novelty. As expected, the
most popular story model failed because they lost their novelty rate, yet new
sites would never be able to show up in the top 15. However, a really interesting result that the
author came up with was the phase diagram, indicating that the decay rate was a
big factor in how effective the remaining two models were.
I thought that a weakness of this paper was some of the
assumptions made. Particularly in the simulations, it seems that keeping only 15
pages is not realistic at all, and can hurt the popularity model. It seems that
there will be people who browse pages other than the home page on digg, which means that they may find newer sites that are
very entertaining, and increase its popularity levels. To make the popularity
model even more effective, perhaps a new feature that we could explore is the
possibility of undigging something - i.e. if a news
article has gotten too old users can vote down its popularity to remove it from
the front page.
Second paper: Ranking Systems: The PageRank
This paper discussed the fundamentals of ranking systems,
most notably PageRank. The main contribution of the
paper was linking Internet ranking systems with graph theory, representing the
Internet as a strongly connected graph of webpages,
which are vertices, with edges represented as links between webpages.
This paper listed the properties of isomorphism, self edge, vote by committee,
and collapsing as axioms essential for such a ranking system. Furthermore, it
proves that after satisfying these axioms, the ranking system is preserved even
after deletion of vertices. Finally, it stated that PageRank
satisfied all these axioms and that any page-ranking system must do the same. I
thought this was an interesting paper, although overall I was slightly
disappointed because I wasn't sure about what the main point of the paper was. It
seems like it set up a basis for general page rank systems, but it did not
prove many theorems that would reveal interesting properties of PageRank.
For future work, I think it would be interesting to examine some complexity results for PageRank - how long does it take to come up with a good ranking, given a graph? Furthermore, I would like to see how well PageRank actually works and how often it updates its graph of webpages, given that pages are constantly being created and taken down.
Alice Gao
Wu and Huberman presented their
analyzed the effects of different strategies on maximizing attention to certain
types of dynamic webpages. Their main result stated that webpage
managers should either order the stories by novelty or popularity based on several
different factors. The results seemed
pretty intuitive to me. However, I feel
that the discussion and approach used in this paper does not fit exactly into
the framework/terminology we have been using in the social choice theory. I suppose I could take designing website as a
mechanism which aims at showing the users their most preferred stories. One question I have about this paper is that,
it implicitly assumes that users' preferences are based on criteria such as
novelty and popularity. In reality,
users browse internet for many different purposes, and it is quite possible for
them to have different kinds of goals/preferences. So I think this paper only captured a
particular type of user preference for this scenario.
Altman and Tennenholtz formulated axioms which completely and uniquely characterize the PageRank algorithm. A possible project idea would be to consider several axioms and perhaps try to relax the constraint or make them more restrictive. After all, I think the ultimate goal of building theories related to any practical application is to build better applications using the theory formulated. So it would be useful to consider how these theories could help us to perhaps design better algorithms for ranking internet webpages.
Nikhil Srivastava
The Altman and Tennenholtz paper
provides an interesting characterization of the PageRank
algorithm by a minimal and fairly intuitive set of axioms it satisfies. The
result was certainly interesting from the "descriptive perspective" put
forth in the paper in its introduction of a representation theorem, but I found
the lemmas and proof to be fairly algorithmic and provide little insight into
the workings of this particular voting rule. (I think the linear algebra
perspective is the most intuitive). What might have been more useful is a
discussion of PageRank in terms of the previous
issues we've been discussing such as false-name-proof-ness (issues with link
farms, etc), manipulability, and responsiveness.
The Wu and Huberman paper was a
useful presentation of an interesting application of aggregating social
information - maximizing attention to websites, and it contained some useful
empirical results. As a frequent browser of social news websites I found this
paper quite engaging, though it seems to have a very specific focus on the
ordering of links on a website. I think useful results might be obtained for
more general classes of problems that require aggregating user's choices to
structure any arena in which users are presented with arrays of information: restaurant
choices, real estate listings, etc.
It might also be useful to combine these results with situations in which a website designer *knows something* about the individual users. Facebook comes to mind: how might that company re-organize its "News Feed" based on metrics of popularity, novelty, and user-specific information to maximize attention? Personally, I'm much more likely to click on a picture of a friend than some news item about his or her organizations or relationship status.
Sagar Mehta
Popularity, Novelty, and Attention
This paper could have ramifications regarding how websites
prioritize their information content. The authors analyzed the role of
popularity and novelty (and positioning) in attracting viewers to content on a
dynamic website. The authors ideas are formalized into
a mathematical model, and they conclude that whether someone should emphasize
novelty or popularity will depend on the rate of "decay" of novelty. While
the goal of this paper was to think about how to optimize click rate – I wonder
how the voting scheme used by digg ties into the
papers we read on anonymity-proofness and voter
manipulation. Do the articles on the front page of truly reflect the
popularity of it? What if I have 100 accounts and digg
my new articles as soon as I post them? Furthermore, if newer articles are
given preference, can we characterize how many people act on the incentive to
re-post the same article multiple times?
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
The main result of this paper is that any page ranking
algorithm which satisfies a certain set of axioms must coincide with PageRank. PageRank is an
interesting application of information aggregation – except here the "information"
or votes comes from each website (through links to other website) rather than
actual voters. It is fundamentally gauge of what is important to users of the
internet. The paper takes the descriptive perspective towards attaining their
axioms, but I'd be interested in the reverse direction. Obviously, our set of
requirements for a social aggregation rule will differ based on what our end
goal is. But if our goal is gaining insight into the relative popularity or
importance of certain websites, what rules should it satisfy? Are there rules
which satisfy these requirements?
Avner May
Ranking Systems: the PageRank
Axioms, by Alon Altman and Moshe Tennenholtz
Popularity, Novelty, and Attention, by Fang Wu and Bernardo
A. Huberman
I found these papers very interesting and enjoyable to read.
The first paper I thought did a wonderful job breaking the PageRank algorithm down into its core axioms, which they
successfully showed fully determine the ranking system. I believe this is very valuable in the sense
that it truly allows one to analyze the merits of the algorithm based on the
properties it satisfies. This allows for
the possibility of designing new ranking algorithms which satisfy some, but not
all of these properties, while hopefully satisfying some other desirable
properties. It seems like the most
reasonable way to go about designing new ranking systems, or of arguing for the
merits of the PageRank system itself. On another note, I thought that framing the
question of page rankings as one of social choice, where each link is a signal
of preference, was a very interesting approach.
The second paper investigated a very specific question -- optimal ordering of news stories on As suggested in the article, this question is definitely one that can be generalized to other cases where a site consolidates content from other sites, and is interested in how many clicks out of the site are achieved. The question is intellectually stimulating in my opinion – how do you order links to maximize clicks? This paper only analyzed the position of the link as the variable to optimize by, not at all investigating questions of text size, images, video content, or other attention grabbing strategies. Even though the question was very specific, I think this paper did an unbelievable job in analyzing it in its fullest detail, and found some striking results. I would not have foreseen the extremely sharp phase transition demonstrated in this article. I think it was great how they used a functional form for clicks based on actual click data from, and thus in my opinion provided a useful result. I doubt fully understood why (or whether) their link ordering was optimal, and this paper definitely explains this in full.
Ziyad Aljarboua
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
This paper discusses the PageRank
algorithm used to rank pages. This paper
discusses the rationale of using a
particular page ranking system. To do so,
the PageRank
axioms are introduced. Hence, any page ranking algorithm that
satisfy those axioms coincides with
In the PageRank algorithm, rank of
web pages is based on other agents' input
(e.g. number of webpages
that link to the page). This is a way to make use of
the aggregate individual ranking of
webpages. So in a sense, the task of
ranking pages is a social
aggregation. In the PageRank algorithm, pages are
assigned probabilities (probability
you will get to that page when starting
from a random page) based on the
The main contribution of this paper is the set of axioms
that are used to
evaluate page ranking algorithms. The
axioms represents rules that ranking
algorithms must follow to coincide
with the PageRank algorithm. The first 3
axioms are intuitive. The first
axiom requires that the page rank to be
independent on the name of the
vertices of the graph representing the agents.
The second one makes a distention between the link originating from a webpage
to itself and other links. The
third axiom requires that page rank should be
independent on way the page links
to other pages. The fourth axiom requires
that in case of collapsing, the
page that was not drooped should have a rank
equivalent to its original rank
plus the rank of the dropped page. The final
proxy axiom requires that dropping
a page that acts as a midpoint between two
sets of page should not affect the
rank of the pages.
This paper does not discuss some concerns that can
potentially affect the
ranking system. It does not take
into account manipulation ,both on the group
and individual level, aimed at
positively changing the rank of a webpage. The
2nd axiom touches on this issues by
distinguishing between link originating
from a page to itself and other
links. What about links from other pages that
do not really represent social
Popularity, Novelty and Attention:
This paper discusses how popularity and novelty of a website
can attract users.
Three stratgies are considered
here to maximize attraction. In each strategy,
popularity or novelty is given the
highest priority. In the third strategy,
prioritization of links based on
expected future interest is examined. A
conclusion is reached by comparing
the performance of all three strategies.
This paper shows that the first two strategies are more
effective than the
third one in most cases. The
selection of 1st or 2nd strategy is dependent on
the novelty of the wepage and rate of its decay.
In linking the popularity and novelty of page (or a story in
case of,
a new factor is suggested to relate
the number of clicks each link gets
relative to the position of the
link in the page. Links on top of page are
expected to have more traffic that
those at the bottom.
In general, this paper does a good job on examining these
three strategies.
However, This paper looks into a
specific model, the one implemented by How can the findings of
this paper be generalized to other models?
Also, how about other strategies that i
think can be more important that
popularity and novelty. For an
example, one strategy that could attract
attention to a link could be the
relevance. For an example, a user from
might not be interested in reading
about the
increasing relevance by
personalizing stories based on location or past
Also, this paper implicitly assumes that popularity of a
page is independent of
its novelty. I think there is a
direct correlation between novelty and
popularity. Pages are popular
because they are novel.
Finally, how would changing variables in the model used to
reach the conclusion
alter the results. For an example,
how would changing the step time from 5
minutes to 10 minutes or changing
the average new story arrival time changes
the findings? It was observed that
changing some of these parameters would
affect performance of strategies. How
would those findings be implemented in
highly dynamic website where average new story arrival time change frequently?
Hao-Yuh Su
1. Ranking Systems: The PageRank
2. Popularity, Novelty and Attention
The 1st paper connects the page ranking algorithms, PageRank, and the mathematical theory of
social choice by graph-theoretic
ordinal axioms. In the beginning, it derives the axioms of PageRank,
and further proves that PageRank is the only algorithm that satisfies all of those
axioms. About this paper,
I have some questions. The first two are about the PageRank algorithm. In this paper, it is said that the
process starts in a random page. My
question is that how this random page is generated, and won't it
lead to different results if we
start from different random pages? The second question is about the equation: .
It seems to be a key equation in PageRank
algorithm. What is the intuition to derive this equation? My third
question is: what is the difference
between and ? In my last question, I want to make a connection between
the previous paper and this one. In
previous paper, it talked about casting multiple votes in a voting. When we
link the page ranking with social
choice, should we consider this aspect as well? In real world, one single user
repeat clicking on the same link several times, and, therefore, affect the page
ranking. I am not sure of this,
should we try to exclude this case when computing the page rank algorithm?
The 2nd paper investigates the three strategies used to
maximize attention on website. Firstly, it shows that
the position of the story does
affect its popularity. When deriving this conclusion, the author made an
the novelty affect and the position affect can be represented by two
independent factors. That is, stories in
different positions hold the same
novelty factor. I think the assumption is over simplified. As the authors said,
to be tested empirically. But how should we approach it? I agree the expected
growth rate is the product
the two factors. When the novelty factor is a function of both time and
position, how can we tackle it? My
second question is about the second
strategy. In the 2nd strategy, the stories are sorted according to their
popularity. However, won't it
overlook the possibility that some story in later position may be the most popular
one if it is posted in the first place?
Malvika Rao
I found the paper "Ranking Systems: The PageRank Axioms" to be
particularly interesting. The paper
attempts to establish a foundation or
existential theory behind internet
algorithms such as ranking algorithms.
Previously I had considered such algorithms as mere
heuristics. And it
appeared that work in this area
focused on building more heuristics on top
of each other to get better
performance. Rather than adding layers of
complexity for better performance,
this paper goes in the other direction.
It tries to simplify.
By tying ranking to social choce (a
very apt analogy) the paper tries to
get at the essence of what ranking
really is.
It would be interesting to extend this type of analysis to
other ranking
algorithms. What further parallels
can we draw with social choice? Is
ranking manipulable?
Can we characterize the results given by different
ranking systems into classes of
some sort? If not ranking then are there
other "systems" that we could apply social choice theory to?
Brian Young
Both these papers arrived at interesting results about page
ranking that left me wondering about manipulability.
I was impressed with the insight at the root of the Altman
and Tennenholtz paper, that page ranking could be
seen as a limited form of social choice. Altman and Tennenholtz
define some desirable qualities in a ranking system, then
demonstrate that PageRank is the unique ranking
system that satisfies all these properties.
This makes me wonder, again, how resilient PageRank (or at least the graph-theoretic version of the
algorithm) is to manipulation. Much as we have seen with other rules that seem
to achieve a desirable set of properties, PageRank
seems susceptible to some form of strategic behavior, in this case designed to
drive up the rank of a particular page. Obvious examples include adding cycles
among pages, whether legitimately (through some form of link-trading with the
owner of another page) or dishonestly (by creating new pages whose only purpose
is to link and receive links). Which of these properties would we have to relax
in order to prevent or address such manipulation?
(One idea we have seen before is to introduce some kind of
cost or penalty, such as by decreasing the credibility we assign to pages as
they spread farther from some source. But this would seem to make all the
properties found by the authors no longer tenable.)
Wu and Huberman consider the
respective roles of novelty and popularity in ranking links on news-aggregation
websites, specifically The paper models three
different strategies, one placing the newest articles on top, one placing the
most popular articles on top, and one using a greedy algorithm to make a
selection. I thought it was interesting that the authors did not appear
to try other combinations of novelty and popularity besides simple
From a usability standpoint, there is a clear benefit in
there being a simple and predictable ordering, such as novelty or popularity. Given
the paper's results (confirming straightforward intuition), what is popular
tends to be static over a longer period of time than does what is new (i.e. the
things that are new change faster than the things that are popular), so perhaps
it's a mistake to compare them in this way; I'd think that the common idiom (which
Digg presumably uses, although I've never browsed the
site) of listing all the incoming articles sorted by newness while keeping a
sidebar of most popular articles would make more sense than what the paper
I think some kind of user study might be appropriate as well to determine what users' relative priorities are in visiting such sites.
Travis May
These papers present methods to rank page results on a
search engine given social choice theory.
While “Popularity, Novelty, and Attention” focuses on click-related
metrics, “Ranking Systems: The PageRank Axioms” focuses
on Google’s PageRank
methodology, which recursively defines popularity based on the quality-weighted
popularity of sites that link to it.
Intriguingly, this set of axioms can be applied to a number of other fields, instead of just focusing on the internet. Any self-contained network with one-directional relationships can have this methodology applies, and the social choice axioms still apply. For example, in measuring the academic output of professors, a PageRank-style algorithm could be used to create a refined quality index. Popularity could be defined by applying a PageRank scheme to sites like Facebook. Once PageRank is established as a set of social choice axioms, there are a number of other ways in which that methodology can be used.
Peter Blair
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
In this paper the authors examine the role of popularity and
novelty as well as an additional strategy that focuses on "hot" stories
that will result in more clicks in the immediate future. The central result of
this paper is there is a dramatic phase transition in the ranking scheme where
the novelty strategy overtakes the popularity strategy as a preferred method of
page ranking. This research can be enhanced by considering the types of
websites, which should also play a role in which strategy will be best suited for a given
website and also consider where along it's development cycle the website is. Take
for example facebook, after it's initially lauch at
Andrew Berry
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
The Altman, Tennenholtz paper discusses PageRank, a page ranking algorithm. The most interesting part of the paper was the overall approach was reducing the page ranking problem on the Internet to that of finding the limit probability distribution of a strongly connected graph. I found the explanations of the axioms clear, and, in particular, the axiom the dealing with collapsing was well done. The idea of collapsing while keeping the relative rankings of the pages seems very similar to some of the lemmas proven in the voting protocol papers that we read earlier this week. One thing I was left wondering after the paper is if it is possible consider other axiomizations other than graph-theoretic ordinal axioms in regards to PageRank. Additionally, how different would the axiomization for other page ranking algorithms be? Where would the fundamental differences lie in the Hubs and Authorities procedure mentioned?
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
The Wu, Huberman paper attempts to
maximize attention on websites by using strategies that tradeoff novelty and
popularity. I think this paper and the approach it takes is interesting. I
think the equations that represented the growth of the clicks to website were
well thought out. In particular, I though equation (2) and (3) which also take
the page position of a given story were accurate models. My main problems with
this paper regard actually measuring the parameters. The paper never truly
defines novelty versus popularity! Additionally, in regard to the third
strategy in which we predict future popular stores, is the one-step greedy
strategy appropriate? Is a two or threes step greedy approach intractable and
if not, would this provide better performance results? Also, the results seem
highly dependent on this decay factor for novelty. In application, how does one
measure a novelty decay rate? The optimal strategy to maximize attention relies
heavily on this parameter and the authors indicate that this rate must be "measured
with great care." Yet, this concept is so abstract and perhaps this work
can only help maximize attention for stories at the extremes (those who lose
novelty quickly vs. those who lose novelty slowly).
Nicholas Wells
Ranking Systems: The PageRank
This paper presents an axiomatization
of PageRank, seeking to move it as a concept into the
realm social choice theory.
The authors present a series of axioms that characterize PageRank and draw out their proof of completeness. They
also show that no other system satisfies the set of axioms presented.
The aim of this paper seems to be very theoretical in that it is introducing PageRank, a popular internet ranking scheme, into formal theory. The proofs presented are rather technical and further discussion of them and placing them in a context would be useful
Popularity, Novelty and Attention
This paper looks at how popularity and novelty attract
attention by analyzing three strategies in placing stories on a website (such
as They show that popularity and novelty - oriented strategies
should be chosen depending on the rate of novelty decay while an expectation
strategy does not work well.
The authors use a simulation to try their theory. They model
new storis as a Poisson distribution with a new story
on average every 20 minutes.
I would like to better understand how they test performance.
They find, however, that decreasing novelty is a good model if novelty decays
rapidly while decreasing popularity is a good model if novelty does not decay
fast enough.
This paper seems to only explore these three models, I would be interested in seeing what someone could come up with by exploring additional models including perhaps a hybrid model of both popularity and novelty ranking.