CS286r Additional Resources
Game Theory
- A good text: M. J. Osborne and A. Rubinstein. A Course in Game Theory. MIT Press, 1994.
- Maxwell Stinchcombe's Notes for a game theory course
Prediction Markets
- Chris Masse's prediction markets portal
- A group blog on prediction markets, also organized by Chris Masse
- A book chapter, Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets: You can download the chapter, the extended bibliography, and find information to download a non-printable copy of the book Algorithmic Game Theory at here.
- Ulle Endriss's course on computational social choice
Reputation Systems
- H. Massum and Y.-C. Zhang, Manifesto for a reputation society, 2004.
- Manipulation-Resistant Reputation Systems, a book chapter in the Algorithmic Game Theory. (Find information to download a non-printable copy of the book at here.)